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TSM Chapter Fifteen 12/66 (18%) Pietra probable selves Rob injections
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Fifteen: Probable Selves and Probable Systems of Reality


Probable Selves
Probable Systems of Reality

In June of 1969 we were really startled when Seth told us that Rob might be visited by one of his “probable selves.” At the time of the session, we didn’t know what probable selves were, though Seth had used the term once or twice in the past. What is a probable self? According to Seth, each of us has counterparts in other systems of reality; not identical selves or twins, but other selves who are part of our entity, developing abilities in a different way than we are here.

These probable personalities are further removed from us than our reincarnational selves, more like distant relations who bear a family resemblance. According to the information we have so far, some of them have methods of perception different from ours.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

“But Seth’s talking about an infinity of them, from what you tell me,” I said. “And it’s one thing to theorize about probable selves, and another to think that one of them might be going to contact you.”

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

If, as Seth maintains, we have probable selves and if, besides all this, we live various existences on this planet, what happens to the concept of a single soul?

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

“We will now imagine these selves multiplied, for you have selves three, four, five, and six, and so forth. Now on your recorder you have a setting for stereo. This enables you to mix and combine harmoniously the elements of the various channels—simultaneously. I am taking my time here so you get this clearly, because I do not often come through with the pure clarity of stereophonic.

“Your stereophonic setting can be compared to what we have termed the inner ego. Each of the selves experiences time in its own manner according to the nature of its perceptions. When the stereophonic channel is turned on, the selves then know their unity. Their various realities merge in the overall perceptions of the whole self.

“Until the whole self is thus able to perceive its own parts simultaneously, then these seemingly separate portions appear to themselves isolated and alone. There is communication between them, but they are not aware of it. The tape is the element common to all channels. Now the inner ego is the director, but the whole self (or soul) must know itself. It is not enough that the inner ego knows what is going on. Ultimately the inner ego must bring about comprehension on the parts of the simultaneous selves.

“Each portion of the whole self must become aware of the other parts. We are not dealing with anything as simple as a recorder, of course, for our tapes [selves] are constantly changing. …”

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

“This system of probabilities is quite as real as the physical system, and you exist in it whether or not you realize it. You simply are not focused within it. You may become aware of it [or of one of your probable selves] while in the dream state occasionally. I have told you that dream images have a definite reality. So do probable events. They simply do not appear concrete to you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

“Let us consider the following. An individual finds himself with a choice of three actions. He chooses one and experiences it. The other two actions are experienced also, by the inner ego, but not in physical reality. … The results are then checked by the inner ego as an aid in other decision-making. The probable actions were definitely experienced, however, and such experience makes up the existence of the ‘probable selves’ just as dream actions make up the experience of the dreaming self. … There is a constant subconscious interchange of information between all layers of the whole self.”

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

Who or what are you? Do you feel lost in the face of all these ideas of entities and probable selves? Where do you fit in, as you know yourself? In the next chapter, devoted to Seth’s ideas on personality, you will see that your identity as you know it is always retained.

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