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TSM Chapter Eight 3/94 (3%) test Rob portrait Instream impressions
– The Seth Material
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter Eight: A Year of Testing — Seth “Looks Into” Envelopes and Gives Rob a Few Art Lessons

[... 42 paragraphs ...]

“Connection with transportation and with water.” (A rather unique way of referring to a ten-mile car trip to Wellsburg. The name of the town appears on the bill. So, incidentally, does the word “carload” on the back.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

After the session we opened the envelope. It contained a patient’s record sheet, a page from a pad that Nora had picked out of a wastebasket in another office. At the bottom corner were four numbers in a row, with other numbers on the top by the patient’s name, Margaret. Her hometown also began with an M; she was from out of town. A hospital stay is certainly unpleasant, often turbulent. Seth also gave other impressions concerning the woman’s background, but we couldn’t check these out.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

For one year, twice a week, Seth gave his impressions as to Dr. Instream’s activities. These included specific references as to names, initials, dates, and places. Some of this data could be easily checked out. Dr. Instream wanted Seth to concentrate on naming a particular object, though, upon which he would be concentrating in the distant town in which he lived. It became obvious that emotional elements were more important; that activities of an emotional nature “came through” more clearly than impressions of a more neutral object. Seth did give material pertaining to objects also, but he was more apt to give specific information on Dr. Instream’s daily life.

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

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