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TPS6 Deleted Session March 4, 1981 2/36 (6%) hypothetical accomplishments portrait writer composite
– The Personal Sessions: Book 6 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2017 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session March 4, 1981 9:18 PM Wednesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Once more, Jane wasn’t comfortable in her chair as she prepared for the session at 9 PM. “It’s really weird to be so unambitious,” she said as she tried to get settled. She’d done some excellent notes for her third essay for her book of poetry today, though she hadn’t worked at it as much as in other recent days. She’d also slept several hours today, though as usual after laying down for a short time her arms and legs became very sore. She’d soon wakened from that first delicious snoring.

(As for myself, I’ve been trying to get in four hours of painting each day, without succeeding, by the way, but it’s still a real treat. Last Saturday I bought over $30.00 worth of flower seeds, and I’m slowly trying them out in a variety of pots and containers to see which flowers do best under what circumstances—artificial light, natural light, etc. It’s turning out to be quite an intriguing endeavor, and I plan to keep the house decorated with fresh flowers winter and summer.

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

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