1 result for (book:tps5 AND heading:"delet session septemb 13 1978" AND stemmed:view)
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(We sat for the session at 9:10, and as the minutes passed Jane grew more and more impatient. We had no idea what the session might be about, since we’d posed no questions for Seth. In view of the subject matter that did develop, rather to our surprise, let me note that since late last week President Carter, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, and Israel’s Prime Minister Begin have been meeting at Camp David in pursuit of peace for the Middle East. The conference has been called crucial to peace in our time, etc. The scanty news from their meeting seems to be that matters are moving in “the right direction.”
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Begin, Sadat, and Carter are each “God-fearing” men, sincere believers in their causes. How can “God” be for the Jews and against their enemies, the Arabs, as the Jews suppose, and how can God be for the Arabs and against the Jews, as the Arabs suppose? “Decent” God-fearing men, then, must indeed question how the same God can have such different views, and at least wonder if their own nationalistic histories and prejudices may not have distorted the interpretation of God’s word somewhere along the way.
Your communication system is indeed bringing such issues to light more and more. People are faced with beliefs other than their own, and discover that the “enemy” or the “infidel,” or the terrorist or the respected head of state, while having completely different views, are each convinced of their own uprightness and virtue.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]