1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session august 27 1977" AND stemmed:our)
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(Jane and I almost had an argument over the setup, though, for I had mistakenly assumed that she’d be glad to see everyone at once and get it over with, so we’d be free the rest of the day. Instead, Jane was counting on being free for the day and didn’t want to see anybody except Sue. I decided that henceforth I would turn visitors away, since I didn’t see how I could know in advance whether she felt like seeing anyone or not. I mention these details to show something of our situation re Seth’s last deleted session on “intruders” when we want privacy. We haven’t resolved such dilemmas then, obviously.
[... 24 paragraphs ...]
(10:35. Seth held up a bottle of beer.) Open this for our friend.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
Now I hope before too long to get on with our book, but I am also highly interested that you put our ideas to work to better your own daily lives.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
The general acceptance.... First of all, our books would frighten many people. They run directly counter to the many beliefs by which the masses live their lives. Our ideas will filter through the masses. Directly, however, in a manner of speaking, our books are subversive. They will sell continually through the years, and the readership will grow.
College people in particular will promote our ideas. Many people who seem quite strange or cultish, bizarre, and possibly offend you, read the books because they are often acutely aware of society’s lacks. They try to show their dissatisfaction through highly individualistic or strange behavior. Since on their own they are not creatively gifted enough to find other expression.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
There are also a core of individual thinkers who straddle all social or academic categories, who follow our books. There is no overall general reaction, therefore, in the terms of your question. But the effects will be, and are being felt. Cézanne, for example, will reach some people who have not read the other books, and some historians will read James, and hence be led where otherwise they would not go. Psyche will mention my ideas about sex, for example, and will be bought by some people because of that subject alone, who will be again led to the other books.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]