1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session august 27 1977" AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 21 paragraphs ...]
(10:20.) Those areas tried to work together today. The trembling (in the legs) is indeed a sign of new life, new sensation, as large areas of the body try the new positions. Had you both trusted the body, had you believed that it did indeed improve to improve, then Ruburt would have been more aware of the new balancing sensations and positions, and would not have added anxiety on top.
It is highly important that you do keep up your communications with each other, and that you begin each day in one way or another by stating your faith in the body’s processes. This would take but a few moments. It is also important, now, that you concentrate upon your own creative works, both of you—Ruburt particularly, so that he takes his mind off of his body, and focuses elsewhere. Since you are doing this alone, more or less, it is natural to be upset at times, but when your confidence is greater than your doubts, Ruburt always improves.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
His body is responding extremely well, despite the mental anxiety that both of you place upon the process. Ruburt’s condition is in no way reprehensible (repeated twice)—there is no reason why you should consider it in such a fashion. There are more people than you know, relying upon the best medical knowledge of the society, who are in far worse shape, whether or not the condition is observable—millions, incidentally, with false teeth.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
Each morning, briefly together in whatever way you choose, dedicate yourselves to your creative pursuits. Imagine a calm and peaceful aura surrounding the house. Tell yourselves that your work will be productive, and that Ruburt’s body will improve as the day goes on. Such suggestions are immensely important. Suggestions are always impetuses toward action, psychological sets that can indeed program your day and set up reminders.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Because you were born in this culture, it is not surprising that you still fall prey to lack of trust in yourselves, or in the body’s abilities to cure itself. Teachings to the contrary have been deeply imbedded. You do have something extremely valuable when you realize it, though this is often lost to you in practical terms because of your fears and negative projections. The large majority of people are confused, besieged, and struggling without any clear idea of why they are in such a state, and with barely a hundredth fraction of your insight or understanding, unable to form their own framework, yet aware that the conventional one is sadly lacking. Your sense of direction may be far more obvious to them than to you, because they sense it so vitally in contrast to their own condition.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The trembling will not last—at the most two or three days. It is no copout to keep a chair handy, or whatever, nothing to be afraid of when that is understood. The legs will want then to exercise. He can stand up and hold on to something, and exercise them, even if he has had to have chairs about while walking from place to place. The balance of the body is changing. The eyes will continue to improve. Fear, his and yours, makes him concentrate upon the body’s sensations too much, and that prevents him from the frame of mind necessary for his writing.
[... 39 paragraphs ...]