1 result for (book:tps2 AND heading:"delet session novemb 27 1973" AND stemmed:energi)

TPS2 Deleted Session November 27, 1973 2/30 (7%) childless buying lest transitory railing
– The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session November 27, 1973 9:27 PM Tuesday

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Now give us a moment. (Pause.) You are financially secure. Ruburt’s classes will not suffer despite appearances (the energy crisis). Much of what I said last evening applied to you, Joseph. Ruburt, so sensitive to your moods, and being self-conditioned to some extent himself negatively, reacted. He wanted to help you, and felt powerless to a large extent.

Your decision not to go to Florida had little to do with the energy crisis. You were both loath to leave your work behind and to allow yourselves the “lax” freedom. You wanted to get on with your own work, and to wait for the proofs of my book. You felt guilty at the thought of enjoying yourself so soon after your mother’s death. You felt some self-punishment, denying yourself the trip to make up for what you felt you might have done for her in the past.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

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