1 result for (book:tps1 AND session:597 AND stemmed:live)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
(I heard a man and a woman begin to climb the stairs from the front entrance of the apartment house. They clumped on up past our floor to the one above, sounding very loud and clumsy. As I feared, they had come to call on the tenant who lived in the small apartment above our living room, where we were holding the session. I heard the door open, then slam shut, and a babble of voices. Footsteps began to resound back and forth overhead. I was of course highly irritated, as I always am at such interruptions during sessions. Jane, in trance, kept speaking though, seemingly not bothered.)
[... 32 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s father is with his mother from this life. She waited for him before reincarnating. They were closely involved in other relationships in past lives.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt’s father was very bound to his mother. The energy went out of him with her passing. He had no intention of living to a ripe old age. (Del died at 66, very suddenly, of a cerebral hemorrhage.) He was very uneasy about Ruburt, until Ruburt met you, and he then turned Ruburt over to you.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
(Jane said she had to “fight to stay in trance” at the last, because she began to pick up some “bad feelings” about Midge, alone in the house down there in Florida, and probably drinking. Jane kept wanting to come out of trance. She had an impression of Midge in a robe, crawling on the floor near the oil stove in the living room. Jane saw no flames, she said, but “it was all hazy, like smoke... I don’t know, but I don’t feel good about it right now.” Then, “I’ve still got this scary feeling. Maybe I’ve just translated all the mixed-up feelings about my father and the house there and everything into Midge. I’ve got the impression that she was trying to close the door of the stove.”
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(We have no idea to whom Seth might refer when he tells us that another member of the family from the west coast might soon join Del, Mattie and Dorothy. Mattie has a sister, Maude, also elderly, if still alive. Actually we don’t know whether she still “lives” or not. Maude has a daughter, Ruth Dudley, a little older than Jane, we think, and she in turn has children. Jane said there are also assorted cousins, etc. out there whom we haven’t met, so there is still evidently quite a family group extant.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]