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TES9 Session 466 March 10, 1969 8/109 (7%) Tom Virginia Milligans banking merger
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 466 March 10, 1969 9:05 PM Monday

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

There are several issues that have been left hanging in our own sessions, and material that we shall get to. This evening there are several remarks I want to address to our friends here, and some material that they should find helpful.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

The psychological understanding of yourself is hidden within the reincarnational data that you have. You must still however learn to interpret that material, and look behind for its implications. Now much of the stability in your endeavor is also being provided by our other friend here (Virginia), for without the bedrock you would not find it as easy to lift one spiritual toe from the barren ground. You did not trust the ground, seeing that it was not always so fruitful, but at last you felt you could trust it.

You know that our other friend is here when you return. There is also available from her a strong creative energy that she willingly shares with you, and you use in these endeavors. As such she is therefore a definite part of such activities. This is not to negate your own quite personal involvement, but only to show that other strong issues also help make that involvement possible.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

Now our friend here (Virginia) is telepathically aware of most of your inner activities, and it is in a large part through her also that there is an expansion of psychic activity from the two of you outward. This is not immediately obvious. She does not have her guard up as high. Also however she is not as adventurous, for it is after all your endeavor: you carry the main issues and personal involvement. The symbols will give way to other symbols. There are roads within the roads, and rooms within the rooms, and wholes within the wholes. But we do not want you to get lost within the mazes, and so we are giving you maps, and when you get where you are going you no longer need the maps.

[... 36 paragraphs ...]

We will return briefly, ourselves now, to the business world. And to our lady (Virginia), who prefers to stay in one place. There is creative opportunity for you here, within the framework in which you are now involved, within the general framework.

[... 31 paragraphs ...]

We will have a session some evening for our friend here. (Virginia.) There is no particular benefit to your moving at this time, and the venture of which I have spoken would do best if begun here; and if it is begun here it would spread, but this would be its focal point and the point of overall management. It would need you see an informal hand, and every effort should be made not to intimidate the small businessmen who would be coming for help and service.

([Tom, humorously:] “Everybody in our bank likes the prestige of a million- dollar loan.”)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Again, you are doing very well. Bega is learning my material in our own classes, but he must also interpret this, and as I said earlier he tailors it for you, knowing you so well. Now, I adopt the personality that you know, and it is quite legitimate, but it is only one of my personalities. Know then that other personalities are also here, and in ways that you do not understand, and that is the end of the sentence. (To me, humorously.) The familiar human component is necessary, and it is by my characteristics that you know me, but the entity is an ancient one, and we are far more concerned with other things than your position at your bank.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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