1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:466 AND stemmed:tom)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The session was witnessed by Virginia and Tom Milligan, both of whom are members of Jane’s ESP class. They had no questions for Seth prior to the session; Tom said he had been giving Seth questions mentally earlier today, and also earlier in the week. The Milligans have known for some days now that they would witness the session tonight.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
([Tom and Virginia:] “Good evening, Seth.” )
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(To Tom:) Now you must stretch your intellect as well as your intuitions. Your intellectual abilities are higher than you believe them to be. They have grown with the impetus of intuitional development. You can use your intellect now in ways that you could not earlier.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
Now. (To Tom:) You have a tendency at times to water down certain ideas because they would suggest alterations in your attitude that you are not as yet willing to accept. And when you are willing to accept them, then you will allow your material more freedom.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
An issue here, it seems can arise within a 6-month period, that you should face with tact. (Pause. Seth now looked at Tom.) And his initial reaction, his initial ideas to this issue, will give way to a more reasoning attitude. His initial idea therefore will not be the best one.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Pause. Then to Tom, who laughed:) Now. Another point. Do not expect windfalls. The point is, the information in your own material is meant as constructive suggestion, to get you in the habit of thinking in terms of abundance, and such attitudes can indeed be highly successful. Within your own material you will find reasons if you look hard enough for them, intuitive reasons for some (underlined) information that would seem highly distorted or influenced by the subconscious. A particular fact may be entirely wrong or distorted for example, but there may be also highly valid reasons for the distortion, and truths within it that are more valid than physical fact.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Virginia and Tom verified Seth’s data concerning the family relationship, tensions, two women, etc. In fact, with the exception of the 6-month prediction, they tied all of the data together quite easily around one family situation; they explained the situation to Jane and me, but it will be but briefly summarized here. Any clarification or reference to this material will be furnished by the Milligans because of their intimate acquaintance with it.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The tensions, Virginia said, are really below the surface, but are there. These are usually passed over by Tom and Virginia. I read a summary of these notes to the Milligans at break, and they agreed to their content. This typed version can also be checked by them and any necessary changes made.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now. (To Tom:) If you have any specific questions you may ask them.
([Tom:] “I’m wondering what G A R or D A R may mean.”
[... 1 paragraph ...]
([Tom:] “Yes.”
[... 1 paragraph ...]
([Tom:] “Other questions might take the format of what opportunities might arise in business; the Bega development; etc...”
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Tom interspersed a comment here.)
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
(Tom said that on the whole the data meant quite a bit to him; he could interpret it, and did so at break. It concerned his job in banking, about which Jane and I knew very little. Tom did very well in making connections; the material was quite specific, and the longer Tom and Virginia discussed it with us, the more connections they made. “Except for the last two bits of data,” Tom said, meaning the opportunity to change his own position, and another, unseen opening.
(Some of Seth’s data was symbolic, Tom said, and explained just how he felt this was so. Again, Tom and Virginia stand ready to interpret the data in detail should the need arise. During break also, Tom expressed concern for his son in Vietnam. Resume at 10:39.)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(To Tom:) Neither Ruburt nor I are bankers, so you must let us sort out this material. I would make a fine bank president, if I do say so myself, even if I do not know banking. (Humorously.) These jovial remarks are simply to take up some time while we look into these matters.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The above paragraph is abridged somewhat because of Seth’s rapid pace. Later Tom agreed quite definitely with this material.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Again, Tom agreed with this data.)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Later Tom agreed the intent of the above statement was correct. Interest rates for such monies as discussed above were not, or would not, be tripled, Tom said, but such money was expensive, and instead of the usual six percent would cost eight or nine percent.
(It might be added here, or at the end of the session, that Jane has no knowledge of banking, nor had she discussed any of this material with Tom before the session, or at any other time. In fact, as Tom remarked, “She doesn’t even know what my job is, except that I work for a bank.”
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
([Tom:] “I’ve got to do some thinking for myself.”)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
([Tom:] “I’ve got a week to go on community chest.”
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(11:00. Again Jane emerged easily from a deep trance. Virginia agreed with Seth’s interpretations concerning her. Tom said Seth gave “some terrific material” regarding banking; he then proceeded to explain some of the details to us. They are not listed here, being rather complicated, but Tom has stated his willingness to explain them. Some of the material reaches back for years, Tom said, and involves his ideas re a “finance clinic,” etc.
(The merger material also applied, and Tom explained how he had been thinking of the second possibility suggested by Seth, the merging of two rather than three. Elmira and Syracuse banking facilities would be merged, with the Utica branch left out; according to Tom this would be a better arrangement, etc.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
([Tom, humorously:] “Everybody in our bank likes the prestige of a million- dollar loan.”)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
([Tom:] “I thank you for letting me get it out of my system, though.”)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
([Tom and Virginia:] “Good night, Seth.”
[... 1 paragraph ...]