1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:455 AND stemmed:who)
[... 45 paragraphs ...]
There is a June date here insofar as your knowledge of the development is concerned, and there are two partners, or two allied men within your firm who will break apart.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(John Bradley said much of the data was good, and he will cover it in detail in his projected tape. There are two regional managers in the Searle organization who are brothers-in-law. One of these, Steve Chase of Los Angeles, has black-tinted hair. The other, George Striker, is in Skokie, Illinois. John thinks Chase is the more progressive of the two, and is of the opinion that in any clash between these two men a southern regional manager, Don Robinson, would be in a position to pick up pieces. John told us more that is not covered in these notes.
[... 32 paragraphs ...]
(“Tom C., he’s got hair like spikes on his forehead...Tom Crompton. He’s 36. Connection with a grocery store ... produce of some kind. There’s a woman connected with him, a sister, who helps him somehow. There’s a Detroit connection. Spikes. A group of 4 people; he and a woman are one... Bill’s one; a female relative the other one.”
(“There’s a connection with a lawsuit, or trouble along those lines. A guy who’s a jokester. Two little kids. September, 1943. Then the present...”
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
(To Peg: An exchange here followed which was too quick for me to get down, so it is here summarized. After joking with Peggy about interviews, cameras, etc., Seth said in time that he would interview Peg, who by then would be “notorious,” or better known. I don’t believe he said just how this would come about. Seth also told Peg there was some data she would need, that she would request it herself, about the crisis in her own life approximately 6 years from now.
[... 24 paragraphs ...]