1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:444 AND stemmed:statement)

TES9 Session 444 October 30, 1968 1/88 (1%) Holzer Fodor robed Mossman Nandor
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 444 October 30, 1968 9 PM Wednesday

[... 54 paragraphs ...]

Yet a psychologist would come to this conclusion if the same statement were made about myself and Jane. Now we as portions of one entity, have certain memories that could be compared to the general cultural ones that you and Jane share, even before you met. These however, that you have, are obviously felt by you both in an entirely different manner, because of your own different viewpoints and so forth.

[... 32 paragraphs ...]

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