1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:444 AND stemmed:ruburt)

TES9 Session 444 October 30, 1968 24/88 (27%) Holzer Fodor robed Mossman Nandor
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 444 October 30, 1968 9 PM Wednesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. For our friend Ruburt (pause; smile; eyes open), in simple terms now. He should know that the Jane self, the Jane personality, is not divided into highly specialized though effective units, as he has been wondering.

Jane does not call herself Jane as a writer; Ruburt on other occasions; Seth on other occasions, and so forth. There would be nothing wrong in such a framework, providing the various subdivisions worked together well. The Jane personality as a whole in that case would still be integrated, various portions of it simply designated for different kinds of work and ability.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I am far more than Ruburt’s “best self,” in quotes. The emergence of the Ruburt episode leads me to speak to Jane in these terms so that there will be no misunderstanding.

(Last week in one of her ESP classes, Jane found herself speaking as Ruburt, knowing she was doing so. There was evidently strong telepathic/clairvoyant communication with another student when this occurred, for as Ruburt, Jane, while conscious, described a certain ancient scene set about a campfire; Jane and her student, also female, described the same scene. Jane saw the scene clearly, and among other facts realized that in this ancient time both she and the student were existing as males in that life. Jane has been giving this episode much thought.)

Now. Jane is correct in the idea she received from me this afternoon. Ruburt does not have my knowledge. I will always be your main communicator. The other two personalities (Ruburt and Seth’s entity) have been involved at my request, for purposes having to do with our material and purposes.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I am utterly independent of Jane in any terms that have practical meaning in generally held concepts of personality. I did not emerge from Ruburt’s personality nor person in any way. I have lived often in physical existence. But in larger terms, quite unacceptable at present to psychology, all of us are part of the same entity. Do you understand the difference?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now the same is true of Ruburt. I have always addressed Jane as Ruburt, as you know. Therefore the emergence of Ruburt confused Jane. Quite without knowing, Jane has always been aware of Ruburt’s existence. Now again, Ruburt is not part of Jane’s personality, in your terms, nor did he emerge from it.

Part of the difficulty lies in the use of words. For analogy’s sake, then, consider (underline analogy’s sake), the serial selves that we have sometimes discussed to make issues clearer. I told you once that in those terms I would be considered as Ruburt’s number 6 or 7 self. You had better change Ruburt to Jane in that sentence.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt then, would be considered Jane’s third self in approximate terms. In the analogy these future selves would dwell in other dimensions, and usually self one, or Jane, would be relatively unaware of their, existence or knowledge. In this case self one is able to make such contacts however.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now Ruburt, compared to Jane’s self 3 in these terms, is closer to Jane, so close that Jane has often accepted inspiration and ideas from Ruburt without realizing it. Ruburt is the sum (smile) of the present ... Ruburt ... I want to get this as clear as possible ... Ruburt is the sum of the earthly personalities, intimately aware of all past lives.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

These concepts can be grasped intuitively. Unfortunately the words used to describe them are the same that must be used to describe currently held concepts. In spiritualistic terms, Ruburt would be the guardian angel, you see.

I have always addressed Jane as Ruburt, since this is the last reincarnation physically. You may take your break.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. As you know, and we will return now to the familiar name, Ruburt was experiencing a concept. The unfamiliarity of the experience frightened him.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Jane should be able to contact Ruburt rather easily. It was because of the conceptual experience in our session that Ruburt emerged in practical terms. Again now, we are all independent with our own futures and pasts, in your terms. We are all however connected...

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Each of the personalities alive on your own earth are connected. When such contacts occur, say between Ruburt and myself, then I draw upon those connections and activate certain common pathways.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

There is something here I am trying to get through to Ruburt, but we are meeting with some blockage and so I shall tell him another time.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(10:20. Jane again left trance fairly quickly. She said she knew what blocking Seth was referring to; she felt herself “come up” just before break. The material Seth wanted to discuss was about Jane and Ruburt and Jane’s writing. Jane believed it was an extension of the arrangement Seth mentioned briefly on page 124, when he talked about Jane accepting inspiration and ideas from Ruburt without realizing it.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now. Ruburt’s has been the voice, the inner voice, that often has given Jane inspiration.

Ruburt has always been highly involved with Jane’s writing, imparting intuitive truths, and Jane’s psychic abilities were precisely what made the inspiration possible. You cannot separate creative and psychic ability. When Jane seriously questioned her psychic nature, she was without realizing it questioning also the basis of her own creativity, and this interfered with the writing.

In this life Jane has always been able to utilize psychic abilities very well, without knowing it. The basis of her work then was psychic. Without this the development into what you call mediumship would not have occurred. In Ruburt’s case, you had better put Jane’s case here, the personality was able to mature enough to consciously handle more and more data, to let further developments occur. Otherwise for example I would only have been able to communicate to Jane in her dreams, or through Ruburt.

I am telling Jane therefore that the channel is open for creative inspiration from Ruburt, and the channel is clear. Ruburt can also be counted upon when it is advantageous to interpret my material, though he could not himself originate it.

Now this information should be highly useful to Jane. Ruburt has at times for that matter passed information from me to Jane. Now it is Jane’s (underlined) responsibility as a present physically oriented creature, to use the psychic and creative abilities that she has to their fullest, and as a legacy to help others.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The same is true of entities and various personalities that are allied with them. Your own creativity, your painting, has always had a psychic basis, and in your case—back to our analogy—self 3 has helped you. Self 2 followed the same path, relatively speaking, as Ruburt’s self 2. You had better substitute Jane there.

[... 25 paragraphs ...]

There, is nothing pressing, you see. I repeat what I said about Ruburt’s health however.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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