1 result for (book:tes9 AND heading:"esp class june 3 1969" AND stemmed:"chang realiti")

TES9 ESP Class June 3, 1969 6/41 (15%) Tom health wl secure VMcC
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class June 3, 1969

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

... to solve your problems and triumph over your challenges.... and the impetus is this: you must not journey into inner reality until you feel secure in physical reality.... for you cannot live in two worlds at once unless you are secure in one. You need a firm groundwork... a groundwork that you can trust. And then you can travel through these other doors, but you must be able to stand on your two feet in this universe.... And then you will go consciously where your body cannot follow... and you will find your answers. But you must have something secure to hang onto. Now there is no better reason to solve your problems.

When you are certain that you feel at least reasonably secure, where you are, then we shall take you to where you are not and you will find yourself. You are already there, but in order to go there, you must start from somewhere. You must start with, you see, a balance and a degree of security.... You must start with confidence. And if you travel too quickly and too far, you will not have confidence, for in the back of your mind you will think: if I do not feel secure in physical reality, then why should I feel secure here... and you will not have the daring that is necessary, nor will you have the peace of mind... and the peace of mind is the key to the door.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now, indeed you are. And... as a piece or chunk of physical matter... you are indeed immediate and here. You do not understand the ways in which you project the physical matter of yourself into this room, however. When you understand that completely and fully, you will no longer be within physical reality. But that is of little notice. You will never notice the difference. In any reality, you create the image that you see. And the reality that follows this one will seem as physical to you as this... and as real. But you will have freedoms within it that you do not have now.... Not unless at 8 o’clock in the morning you leap from the rooftops and fly through the windows to your death.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. In this existence, when you see a picture in your mind, and when there is strong emotion and vivid desire behind it, it will be constructed. There will be a time lapse within this system, but in other systems there may be no time lapse... and your thought may be instantly transposed into reality. Therefore, now you must learn the nature of your thoughts and how to handle energy.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

([Tom:] “But between the time of thinking about it now and the time it becomes a reality, other thoughts can come to bear on that idea and change it before it becomes a reality. Is that so?”)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

([Tom:] “He talked some more about physical matter... an elaboration on the things we’ve talked about during the evening. The reality on another plane or in another dimension is just as physical as what we experience as physical here... just as real, seems physical to them. But the freedoms are greater, so that when we think of something on another plane, it happens instantaneously. Whereas here, there is a time lag between the time we think of something and it results in a created action or object. In the time lag on this plane, there are other thoughts, projections on the same idea or object; Seth declined to go into their effects on the final idea or object until a later time.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

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