1 result for (book:tes9 AND heading:"esp class juli 15 1969" AND stemmed:person)
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
Now. You must realize that within this room, and within any room, at any time there are other personalities that you do not perceive. There are ways of perceiving them if they choose to be perceived. Possibly, with some help from certain directions, we shall see what we can do in other classes. And our friend Ruburt is quite correct, you (WL) learn the nature of the inner self first....and then we shall help you in the development of your own abilities. And before too long, we will have a message for you to take to heart.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(To SW and CW) I do have one point to make. The child was a girl... 1432... France... and at one time your sister... Strong literary abilities... some interest in music... Should not be pampered for the personality is already given to indulgence. There may be an allergy to wheat... early in life... Was also known to this one here in Spain, the country now called Spain... in 801 as an uncle then a warrior-type personality, but again given to indulgence.
An entity on a par with the parents. A mole or mark on one of the feet... a possible weak point in the right elbow... Given to high exuberance, quick moods... but not forgiving. The personality should not be indulged, but it should not be shown dissonance... and discipline should be fair, for it will hold grudges otherwise.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
Now. There is someone else who has been here and who is connected with our new student. But our new student does not know this person... It is no one with whom she has previously communicated. Because she was not ready. This personality is also a student of mine and a practice teacher.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now again let me tell you, though the hour be late(quite loudly) and though Ruburt thinks that such demonstrations as these are hardly worth the effort (quite softly) and childish endeavors at best, I still want you to know, as I always want you to know, that my vitality is your own and that the energy that swings through this small frame is but an echo of the energy that swings through your own personality.
I have said before that you have lived many lives and that you can know these existences within yourself. I am not afraid that we shall be kicked out of our apartment. And I also am quite sure that as you grow to know Ruburt and as you grow to know me you will realize that there is a difference in our personalities and that indeed... when I tell you that my vitality spans both space and time, then you will know that I know whereof I am speaking... and that this vitality is your own... Then feel it within yourselves... Now it is being used simply to let you know of its existence... but realize that it is within you for you to use as you will... for your own good... and you (WL) are not powerless. I have no body... and I am not powerless... How, therefore, can you feel helpless... or you... or any of you?
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Now. Ruburt’s abilities were so strong since childhood that he feared using them, and so I am quite used to that development. On the other hand, I wanted someone with a strong-enough ego structure to contain what will amount to... 40 years of mediumistic experience. I needed a personality who would be able to maintain psychological stability.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
What I want you to know is this: I come here, I hope, as an endearing personality with characteristics that you can understand. Now these characteristics have been mine, and they are mine, and I am who I say I am. And yet, the Seth that you know, and that you find so endearing and understandable is but a small portion of my reality... the portion that can relate with you most easily.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]