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TES8 Session 420 July 1, 1968 15/56 (27%) Bernard letter Dr temperature statement
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 420 July 1, 1968 9:09 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The evening was very hot and humid; it was quite uncomfortable even through it had just rained, and Jane wasn’t sure we would have a session. She didn’t feel that conditions were very good.

(On June 27 Jane had received a letter from Tam Mossman at Prentice-Hall, requesting information on Dr. Instream, Dr. Bernard, both psychologists; and on Ray Van Over. We had talked over the best way to answer the letter, and had made some notes to that end today. But these were unsatisfactory; so much could be said that, once again, answers to what seemed like simple questions could expand with a life of their own.

(Before the session tonight Jane and I discovered during our conversation that each of us had toyed with the idea of asking Seth to answer the letter. This has never been done before by us. Still, we didn’t make any formal request that Seth write such a letter. We sat for the session as usual at 9 PM, waiting to see what developed.

(Jane began speaking in trance for Seth in a rather quiet voice; eyes open often, average pauses, etc.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

May this letter serve to introduce us. I am Seth. Since matters pertaining to me are at issue here, then I feel I would like to make a few comments of my own, and take it upon myself to answer your last letter, sent to Jane Roberts.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Our results with him were good as far as the tests were concerned, though there was considerable distortion simply because Ruburt’s (Jane’s) abilities had not been sufficiently developed. There were direct hits, in other words, but these results could not be mathematically appraised in terms of the odds against them; and this is was what Dr. Instream was looking for.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Robert and Jane operated in a vacuum, since he did not tell them anything regarding the tests, negative or favorable. No academic psychologist, including Dr. Instream, will give you a statement to the effect that I am a survival personality. Dr. Instream will give a statement I believe, as to Robert and Jane’s character, the quality of the Seth material itself, and the fact that no fraud of any kind is involved.

Ray Van Over has scarcely met me. I did not speak to him directly. The impressions which were given by me through Ruburt, in Ruburt’s (Jane’s) own voice, were correct, however, and I believe he will attest to this.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

However, I did want to contact you myself on my friend’s behalf. (Meaning Jane.) I do suggest, now, a meeting in Elmira, at which time any questions you have can be answered without the necessity for long and complicated letters.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(9:40. Jane retained slight memory of what she had delivered as Seth. Resume at 9:50.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(For reasons that he has explained to some extent, Seth calls Jane as Ruburt, and me, Joseph.

(“No, I guess not.” I had some, but thought Jane would want to keep the session short.)

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:05. Jane retained a little memory, as before, of the material’s content. Sessions usually run until 10:30 to 11 PM these days, so the early end this evening shows that conditions were not of the best. Jane is personally quite sensitive to heat.

(Seth’s last words, above, really mean that in his opinion Jane had been in trance long enough at this time. He would have continued answering questions had I asked them, but Jane would have found it tiring. As often as not, Seth will suggest we continue with a session when conditions for communication are excellent.

(It is July 2 as I type this. Today Jane wrote to Gene Bernard and to Ray Van Over re statements. Today also she received a card from Gene Bernard’s wife Sarah, who is visiting her brother in Ecuador, South America, for several weeks.)

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