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TES8 Session 383 November 29, 1967 13/42 (31%) Liveright vision painting Pell Psycho
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 383 November 29, 1967 9:15 PM Wednesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(His head was bare and his hair blowing in a wind. The portrait was life-size, from the knees up, very dramatic and bold in concept and detail, and very effective pictorially. I was delighted to see it, and was at once sure I was capable of producing such a work. The Gallaghers visited us Saturday evening, December 2. I did not see them arrive, but witnessed their departure. I had not mentioned the vision to them, and asked Jane to wait before she did so. As Bill Gallagher walked down the hall away from us upon departing, I saw that he wore a long black coat with I believe a hood upon it—a garment quite like that he wore in the vision, and one I possessed no special knowledge of in his wardrobe.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(When I became aware I was seeing it, I faced it and tried to prolong its existence. As soon as I realized this conscious effort I relaxed, in hopes that this would encourage its longevity, but the vision faded and did not return. I drew a quick very rough little sketch of it, dated it, then told Jane about it. I hoped Seth would mention it this evening.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

You are allowing yourself more inner freedom again, and so you permitted yourself to see this. There were some—some (underlined) distortions, simply because the painting was interpreted in the light of your present knowledge. (Jane lay flat on her back on the divan.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Smile.) You would have been consciously aware of the painting whether or not you were consciously aware of the vision. It is you who think of the painting in terms of time, and who perceive it in this manner. (Sitting up as she spoke, Jane began to take off her sweater and shoes.) The painting exists and in one reality you have already completed it. In your present framework however you seem to be waiting for the developments to occur.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

There is much more here that the author does not understand, but he has hit upon excellent methods, and you can take advantage of them. The paintings that you will paint do exist, because you have in one sense the potential to create them. (Jane again lay down.) They exist in potential form. It is not true however that anyone else could pick them up, so to speak, from cosmic energy. They are attuned to you, and only your particular individuality is equipped to pick them up. Do you understand here?

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now this whole self is completely unique, yet the energy that composes it is a part of the energy that also is the ground of being, for all other consciousnesses. Therefore when you are true to yourself, when you materialize these paintings clearly, there is also (Jane pointed at me emphatically eyes open wide) within them a ground of knowledge, intuition and being, that is instantly felt by all other individuals.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“Jane wanted to know about Pell and Fell.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Here Seth refers to Jane’s book of poetry, High, Low and Psycho. In a very recent session Seth told Jane to send the manuscript to a publisher beginning with an L or V. The book had already been rejected by Viking, the only V in her index of publishers. Checking the L’s, Jane was surprised to discover the publisher Horace Liveright, a name containing both an L and a V.

(Looking up the address of this publisher, she was further surprised to learn that it was at 386 Park Avenue South, New York City—the same address as Frederick Fell, the publisher of her ESP book. But for a further surprise, Jane also learned that Liveright’s editor is named Pell—very close indeed to Fell.

(When Jane and I visited F. Fell’ s office in New York City last July, we stood in the foyer of 386 Park Avenue South and scanned the list of tenants. This list of tenants must include the name Liveright; if we saw it, we have no conscious memory of it.

(Jane has mailed the manuscript to Liveright.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(9:46. Jane said she was pretty far-out during the session, and that Seth was “on a kick” about the data concerning painting. He could have continued, but we decided to cut it short.

(Jane said the room was much too stuffy at the start of the session, and that she couldn’t have continued without taking her sweater and shoes off.)

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