1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:383 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
There were also some hints in it that you will use subconsciously, and from which new developments will grow. The sending out of another manuscript is symbolically important to Ruburt, and represents definite progress. (High, Low and Psycho.) Both of you need rest this evening. In your sleep you will correlate recent developments so that better use will be made of them. Your activities in the sleep state will actually be rather ambitious, and you will generate considerable energy from them. We more than made up for missed sessions by the recent developments. I will not keep you therefore, although I will answer any questions if you have them.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
There is much more here that the author does not understand, but he has hit upon excellent methods, and you can take advantage of them. The paintings that you will paint do exist, because you have in one sense the potential to create them. (Jane again lay down.) They exist in potential form. It is not true however that anyone else could pick them up, so to speak, from cosmic energy. They are attuned to you, and only your particular individuality is equipped to pick them up. Do you understand here?
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Now this whole self is completely unique, yet the energy that composes it is a part of the energy that also is the ground of being, for all other consciousnesses. Therefore when you are true to yourself, when you materialize these paintings clearly, there is also (Jane pointed at me emphatically eyes open wide) within them a ground of knowledge, intuition and being, that is instantly felt by all other individuals.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]