1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:366 AND stemmed:was)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(John Bradley, from Williamsport, PA, was a witness to the session, which was quite short. Jane began to speak for Seth, in trance, after we had discussed the 364th session with J. Bradley, who is a medical salesman for Searle Drug.
(The 364th session was held September 13, 1967 for John Pitre of Franklin, LA, and his wife Peggy, who has multiple sclerosis. See above [this page] for a copy of J. Pitre’s letter, of September 21, 1967. We hadn’t asked that Seth specifically discuss the following material, but thought it a possibility in the light of the conversation preceding tonight’s session.
[... 24 paragraphs ...]
(10:06. John said Seth was correct re the impression of a new account. A Planned Parenthood clinic is to be opened soon in Elmira; neither Jane nor I knew this. Searle makes birth control products, and as Searle’s representative John said the clinic’s business should be his “if I’ve done my work well.” Jane and I did not know of his involvement here.
(John could not offer any data re any new products by Searle. He knew of no competitors. He mentioned a Dave Gleason [not Jewish] in his company. Gleason is an excellent salesman, John said, but he knew of no way they could be competitors. If there was a chance of this it would be a remote one, and unexpected.
[... 18 paragraphs ...]