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TES8 Session 356 July 27, 1967 19/73 (26%) Stephen Ferd Pete Australian Osburn
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 356 July 27, 1967 9 PM Thursday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, my dear young man. You may indeed sit there and observe me. But I also sit here and observe you, whether or not Ruburt’s eyes are opened or closed.

Our session last evening was a rather serious one, for I believe it necessary that the terms of these endeavors be stated at once, and as clearly as possible. I do not want to burst any bubbles, nor did I want to encourage you along these lines unless you were willing to devote considerable energy in these directions. We can now to some degree relax and enjoy a quiet evening. I am aware of your considerable list of formidable questions. We shall get to these in good time.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

These can be enjoyable at times however. Now. Give us a moment.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. On the diet of your Stephen. (Pete’s brother.) We find a confusion in body chemistry, caused either by the diet itself at present, or alternating changes of diet. (Pause.) Some actual, though not drastic, starvation of tissues from the same causes. Each individual utilizes carbohydrates and protein in a slightly different manner and what is good for one is not necessarily for another.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now give us more time. (Pause.) Incidentally, I suggest some peanut butter, as it contains some nutrients that are needed. There should be, again, no overreliance on any particular group of foods.

Now. (Eyes closed, smiling, Jane leaned toward Pete.) Now, my dear young man, quite innocently, you have made an early and understandable error. (Smile.) You will forgive me, for my slight amusement is also tinged with rather compassionate understanding. In the attempt to use your ability, to probe into the future, you allowed yourself to take more upon yourself than you should have.

There is nothing wrong in trying to perceive tomorrow. (Pause.) It is risky however to live today in such a manner. There are too many errors that can be made when dealing with precognitive elements. You are dealing with a world of probabilities. Now Ferd looked into a possible future, and this was quite legitimate—as a probable future. There is much concerning time that you do not yet understand, and I cannot explain it to you, unfortunately, in an evening. This may sound contradictory, but it is not. It is possible to perceive the future as it will be; on the other hand the future itself is always changing, for you change it in the present. (Pause.) In the precise moment in which you spoke the words, there was a probability, and a good one, that the event would occur as stated.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Two days later, the conditions had completely changed. This is too complicated, and you do not have the background now. However, the future event predicted was bound up with a series of events that would have had to occur within that two-day period. Some of these events would have been trivial, but all would have led him toward that predicted big win. There are two men in particular he would have met. These events did not occur, and another group of probabilities now exist.

Had your abilities been developed sufficiently, you could have seen through these probable futures into the actual physical future event that would come to pass. Now there is no great loss here, and take me seriously. Both you and Stephen shall have gained, and better now than later: for you cannot live your physical life in such a fashion. The development of your character and of Stephen’s would be drastically reduced.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now again, give us a moment, please.

I am going to speak freely and again no questions now. We will clear up what we can when we can; but allow the impressions uninterrupted flow.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Pause.) Now, by itself, ostriches. A connection here. A particular chest that has been in the family for some generations, or that is highly treasured. Among other things containing ribboned letters from a foreign land. (Pause.) It may be a handwrought chest.

Now give us time. (Pause.) It is connected to a woman. Approximately five foot five, though somewhat shortened now, as with age. Simply the word Osburn connected here. (My phonetic interpretation.) Perhaps letters from an Osburn at one time. This in the past, with the Osburn connection.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now. A man, sometimes mustached, brown hair and mustache, in the prime of life. Two front teeth more yellowed than the others. Likes to walk on Saturdays or Sundays, a walking man in any case. A nasal voice, he used frequent extra breaths between words or sentences and many ahs between words, you see, or syllables, as: well—ah—.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

Now. This evening’s session will not run too much longer, though we may perhaps speak again.

I was in touch with your Ferd, briefly. He is not yet aware of many aspects of his new condition (Jane’s voice was becoming somewhat deeper and faster), and is now learning to manipulate within it. Therefore even for us, communication was somewhat difficult, distorted and restrained. We are on different levels. We exist within the same system but within different levels of it. His periods of communication are necessarily brief, simply because he is unable at this time to utilize his energy to that direction with any effectiveness.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

I give you all that I can, my blessing and good wishes. You may now end the session if you prefer, or, Joseph, continue for a while as you decide.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now. These tingles of which our friend speaks, these are simply his own way of letting himself know that he is dealing with other than usual physical reality. We will have more to say of this at another time.

We will also then give further information that should serve to identify the gentleman with the back difficulty. Ruburt has done well in this session, and is now exhausted. My heartiest wishes to you all.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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