1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:356 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Our session last evening was a rather serious one, for I believe it necessary that the terms of these endeavors be stated at once, and as clearly as possible. I do not want to burst any bubbles, nor did I want to encourage you along these lines unless you were willing to devote considerable energy in these directions. We can now to some degree relax and enjoy a quiet evening. I am aware of your considerable list of formidable questions. We shall get to these in good time.
[... 52 paragraphs ...]
I was in touch with your Ferd, briefly. He is not yet aware of many aspects of his new condition (Jane’s voice was becoming somewhat deeper and faster), and is now learning to manipulate within it. Therefore even for us, communication was somewhat difficult, distorted and restrained. We are on different levels. We exist within the same system but within different levels of it. His periods of communication are necessarily brief, simply because he is unable at this time to utilize his energy to that direction with any effectiveness.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]