1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:296 AND stemmed:impli)

TES7 Session 296 October 24, 1966 3/122 (2%) Marjorie Ward Bill blue Buck
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 296 October 24, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 39 paragraphs ...]

A rather airy design, with cubes predominating, and thin lines. These reminding Ruburt of a child’s Jungle Gym. Flowers that bloom late. A written note, with an appeal for an answer, or implied request.

[... 39 paragraphs ...]

(“A written note, with an appeal for an answer, or implied request.” I believe this is a reference to the letter Bill Ward sent me with the art work I received Sunday, October 23. Again, see the notes on page 116. Also keep in mind that the bill used as object represents pencils and paper stumps I bought in order to finish the job Bill sent to me.

(Bill’s letter outlined the steps necessary to finish the job, which consists of five pages of a comic type story, in pictures and text, for a men’s magazine. My job is to do the backgrounds and to add gray, black and white halftones with the pencils. Bill refers to any problems in his letter, how to get in touch with him, etc., and implies that I answer it. I have already done so.

[... 40 paragraphs ...]

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