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TES6 Session 275 July 25, 1966 24/98 (24%) parking ticket noninterval intervals Treman
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 275 July 25, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane said before the session that she had no idea of what Seth would talk about. Her eyes were open from the beginning of the session, she was smoking, and her voice was average with pauses.)

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:27. Jane had been dissociated as usual. Her eyes had been open often, pace and voice average. She resumed in the same manner at 9:35.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:52. Jane said she was far-out. Her pace was a bit faster, her eyes open often, etc. As Seth talked she had feelings of concepts, of things “opening up.” She felt herself rushing in various directions, she said, inspired by these concepts, then giving voice to them one by one as she reached them. She called it a process of returning.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused at 10:09, then took the sealed envelope for our 64th experiment from me without opening her eyes. She of course knew that envelope experiments were scheduled for Mondays now, and asked out of formality. She pressed the envelope to her forehead in a vertical position.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

A small round object in a lower corner, rather balanced by another round object in a diagonal corner. (Jane gestured with the envelope; she indicated first the bottom half, then the top.)

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:21. Jane was out as usual. Her eyes remained closed throughout. She had some images and these will be mentioned in sequence.

(See the tracing of the object and the notes on page 284. As stated we obtained the parking ticket used as object on July 12,1966 at Robert Treman State Park, Ithaca, NY, and I kept track of this date by attaching a note to the ticket. Other visits to the same park later in the week enter into the data, and these will be discussed as the need arises. Seth also helps out after break. In the meantime Jane and I began making our own connections with the object.

(“A connection with a flower or flowers”, immediately reminded Jane of our visits to Enfield Glen, or Robert Treman State Park. Jane was subjectively sure of this, she said. I remember our specifically commenting on the flowers there, on all our visits. Objectively however there is nothing in this data to connect it to Enfield.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“A small round object in a lower corner, rather balanced by another round object in a diagonal corner.” Jane, her eyes closed, indicated both ends of the envelope. There was of course but one object, the parking ticket, in the envelopes. Two of its corners are beveled but hardly round. The object however is small in comparison to the envelopes. Jane had one of her images here, seeing mentally two small objects in a space resembling the usual envelopes; she saw no detail however.

(“A center, as the center of spokes. As the spokes of a wheel, for example.” In a free manner Seth uses associations of Jane’s to get at the idea of a car, or travel. The parking ticket was obtained at the state park as a result of a 60-mile round trip by automobile, as were the two subsequent parking tickets for the same state park. But again no mention of either a car or the park in specific terms.

(“A connection with the number five. This could refer to a date or to five people. At an affair or a gathering, and this is a distant connection.” A somewhat distant connection, but a good one, we believe. As stated Jane and I visited Enfield Glen, or Robert Treman State Park, three times—July 12 for Tuesday, July 14 for Thursday, and July 16 for Saturday. The envelope object contained the ticket for the visit of July 12. We also obtained like objects for the other two visits, and Seth evidently uses this fact to lead to related connections. The above data concerns our visit to Enfield Glen on Saturday, July 16.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The people at the gathering were 4 Joe Korens, 5 Dick Buttses, my parents, Jane and me, and 2 Crosbys.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“The impression of a chain, or chain of events.” Jane felt subjectively that this referred to the mention on the back of the parking ticket regarding the Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, which includes several parks of course in its territory.

(“An A and a G or J.” Too vague to be of help. If initials for instance, there were two Ann’s at the gathering, a Jane and a Joe, etc.

(“Also the letters D O L, followed perhaps by another L,” Here is another instance of Seth trying something new in the way of association, as he did with the D E L for delivery data in the last envelope experiment. See page 276 of the 273rd session. It appears to be a good system and promises much. Jane was quite vexed at break to realize the implications of this method, and that she hadn’t followed through as Seth evidently intended her to.

(At break she now recalled that in addition to the D O L L which she had given voice to, and which she had seen mentally within, she had also seen the letters A R, but hadn’t spoken them aloud. The word of course being dollar. Jane now said this word was Seth’s way of leading her to the price on the object, 50¢; she thought that if she voiced the word dollar, Seth might have tried to get the 50¢ through.

(Jane said this method is new and she is not used to taking advantage of it. Mentally she first saw the D O L. She was aware of a “space,” she said, then she saw the second L, there was another space and she saw the A R. Each segment as described vanished before the next came along. She now added that in the D E L for delivery data in the 273rd session, she had seen only the D E L.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(“A printed note.” Here Jane was subjectively sure that this refers to the envelope object. The back of the parking ticket bears 15 lines of fine print pertaining to automobiles, loss or damage, etc. Jane said this data is the way she would refer to such an object.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Second Question: Can you say something more about G or J or A? “The initials or the letters seem to be connected with a square item, or package.” As stated, there were two Anns at the gathering Saturday, and a Jane and a Joe, etc. See page 284. This would connect such initials with the fact that the envelope object is a square item, [although not a package]. However, remember that the object came from our visit of Tuesday July 12, whereas the gathering was held on Saturday July 16. The link here being that a parking ticket was also obtained, and saved by me, during Saturday’s visit; this ticket was the same except for the serial number as the ticket used as object.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(What could have been a serious incident developed at the park and gathering during our Saturday visit. Dick’s young son David fell from a high slide and injured his back. At first it was thought seriously. David naturally cried loudly. As it happened five people tended to David, and their action was witnessed by Jane and myself from some distance away. Three females and two males did the attending: My mother; David’s mother Ida; Ann Crosby; David’s father Dick; and my father.

(Jane and I thought the strong emotional content of this experience accounted for its cropping up in the data, since the incident took place at the location designated by the object; although on a different day, it still took place within the same week. Seth concurs after break.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Question: “Do you want to name the object?” “We are getting two separate impressions. One is of a blanket, and one is of a note. The blanket on grass.” Again, very good. In view of the printed note data on page 290, we believe Jane came very close to allowing Seth to name the envelope object.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane resumed at 10:50; her eyes again open. She left her glasses on for perhaps a third of the delivery.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:59. Actually, now, Jane sat very still, in trance, for over two minutes. Her eyes were closed, her head bowed. She was smiling, somewhat expectantly, I thought. I could see that Seth was in a fond mood. When she did leave trance Jane said Seth “spoke to us silently,” and debated as to whether to speak further this evening without notes on my part. He decided not to.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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