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TES6 Session 260 May 18, 1966 14/74 (19%) Goldsmith Nate Saratoga spade visit
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 260 May 18, 1966 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

I will give you our Instream material now. Give us a moment, please. Incidentally we are having a short session to give Ruburt a rest, and also to give you a rest, Joseph.

Now, for our object. One or two small white objects, perhaps dice. If not there is a close resemblance in size, shape and color. The numbers 7 and 3, perhaps facing upward. The objects may be connected with a small chain, in the manner of cuff links. A Q. I do not know to what this refers. Also four pieces of paper.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(At 9:23 Jane took the envelope for our 55th experiment from me without opening her eyes. She pressed it to her forehead briefly, then lowered it to her lap but kept the other hand to her eyes.)

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

(I picked up the matchbook in a restaurant, Mother Goldsmith’s in Saratoga Springs, NY. Jane has been familiar with the place since childhood, and on our infrequent visits to Saratoga we always stop in. I dated this particular matchbook on the inside when obtaining it—August 1963, which was before these sessions began in December 1963. The book is printed in black on a dim yellow—as Seth calls it—cardboard stock. All the copy on it, except for Nate Goldsmith’s name beneath the caricature of him, is in this dim yellow against the black background.

(It wasn’t until Jane and I began to study the envelope data that we realized it referred to more than one visit to Saratoga on our part. This immediately complicated things. Interpretations became elusive indeed, and part of our knowledge that two visits to Saratoga were involved was subjective only. Had we realized this by the end of the session we would have called Seth back to help out. As it was we didn’t appreciate what had happened until the time came to write these notes. Another complication is that while we cannot pin down all the data, we feel that most of it is quite legitimate.

(I will indicate below where we believe the two Saratoga visits are referred to in the envelope data. The first visit was in August 1963, the second was in the summer of 1964. On both occasions Jane and I were on our way to York Beach, Maine, on vacation; both visits to York Beach played a part in these sessions, and exact dates can be found in appropriate sessions. See Session 9 in Volume 1.

(The connection between the envelope object and our two visits to Mother Goldsmith’s is strong enough, in that Jane and I ate there both years. We saw the same hostess both times also—a girl Jane went to school with in Saratoga. We did not see Nate Goldsmith or his wife on the first visit, and the reasons we did not see either of them on our second visit are given in our data interpretations.

(“A connection with a spade.” On our second visit, in 1964, Jane and I were told that Nate Goldsmith had died. We do not know just when he died, but believe it was after our first visit. Jane did not know the Goldsmiths intimately, merely to speak to. Also on the 1964 visit we were told the restaurant had been, or was being, sold.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“The impression here of something underground. I do not know whether to interpret this as a burial or not.” Possibly the death of Nate Goldsmith; we learned about this on our second visit. Jane, or Seth, has used the underground idea several times now in connection with death.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(“Four people standing up.” Four people were involved on our second visit to Saratoga, of course, but we don’t know what the standing reference involves.

(“Implication of an error.” This is a good connection, involving both our visits to Saratoga. It is personal and so is not given in detail here, but can be explained by us at any time.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“The impression of movement, and some impression of a machine, perhaps an airplane.” Jane said this refers to our automobile trips to Saratoga, the object being obtained on the first of these in 1963.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“Two men and two women.” I asked Seth to elaborate on the four people standing up data. Two men and two women were involved in the meeting referred to earlier: Jane’s father Del and myself, and Jane and Del’s wife. This on our second visit.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now we will close our session. My best wishes to you both. I am quite prepared to go on for some time. However you can stand the change, and so we shall close early. I shall look in on you now and then, however.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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