1 result for (book:tes6 AND session:260 AND stemmed:appropri)

TES6 Session 260 May 18, 1966 1/74 (1%) Goldsmith Nate Saratoga spade visit
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 260 May 18, 1966 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 46 paragraphs ...]

(I will indicate below where we believe the two Saratoga visits are referred to in the envelope data. The first visit was in August 1963, the second was in the summer of 1964. On both occasions Jane and I were on our way to York Beach, Maine, on vacation; both visits to York Beach played a part in these sessions, and exact dates can be found in appropriate sessions. See Session 9 in Volume 1.

[... 26 paragraphs ...]

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