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TES5 Session 229 February 2, 1966 3/91 (3%) landlord cabinet tenants studious plow
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 229 February 2, 1966 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Right after the first snowfall two weekends ago, our landlord appeared with his Jeep and snowplow attached, and cleaned out our long curving driveway and the garage area in back of the apartment house. About a foot of snow had fallen, but this rather small amount still made things difficult for automobiles, and the area involved would mean hours of shoveling by hand.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

If he falls ill I believe it will be at a party-type gathering, at least with many people about. A fairly serious but not critical illness, possibly caused by circulation fluctuations. The difficulty showing up in a right leg, though the origin of the illness will not be in the leg. Something of the sort of a blood clot in the leg, that type of illness.

[... 46 paragraphs ...]

If you are interested in any kind of evidential material, it is good to hold tests fairly regularly. Now. When you want to give Ruburt a vacation from them, this is quite all right. But because of his peculiar makeup the first, or first few tests after resumption are apt to be poor now, at this time, because he is apt to try too hard. He is not used to the touch enough yet. He loses the touch of it, and falls back on other layers of the self which are not reliable for this sort of data.

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

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