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TES5 Session 226 January 24, 1966 33/115 (29%) John Cleveland McKeown Searle Hilton
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 226 January 24, 1966 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Friday evening, January 21, Jane had some success hypnotizing both Bill and Peggy Gallagher at their request, separately. The experiment was not planned. Peggy has been hypnotized twice—one of these times by Dr. Milton Erickson—but this was Bill’s first experience. Dr. Erickson is nationally known.

(Jane achieved partial success with Bill on two attempts. The first try was the best. Bill was unable to open his eyes and developed good amnesia in his left hand, these being the tests Jane used to show him something about the trance state. However he was not able to speak during either session, and came out of the state both times when Jane asked him to answer questions. He did succeed in relaxing very well. This is difficult for him to do; he has ulcers.

(Nor was Peggy able to speak during her first session and left the state when Jane began to ask her questions. On the second attempt Jane succeeded quite well by using a more authoritative approach. She did not ask Peggy questions this time. Peggy attained a deep enough state to show no reaction when Jane placed our cat, Willy, on her stomach as she lay on the divan. Peggy has a deep fear of animals in general and cats in particular, this being why Seth calls her the cat lover.

(All of us, including Peggy, were amused when she insisted that she tolerated Willy’s presence because she thought Jane was touching her, instead of the cat.

(Seth came through briefly shortly before the Gallaghers left, at about 1 AM. He told us he had watched the proceedings with much pleasure and amusement. He explained that Bill had allowed the hypnosis to proceed just so far before his ego called a halt, but that he could progress. Seth said Peggy used rationalization in saying that she stood for Willy’s proximity because she thought Jane touched her instead of the cat. Peggy, Seth said in high good humor, had actually achieved an excellent state of deep hypnosis when Jane used the more authoritative approach; otherwise she wouldn’t have permitted the cat’s presence.

(I was somewhat dubious about Jane’s hypnosis attempts since we haven’t had time to do much work in this direction lately. But Jane said she felt like it, and the Gallaghers insisted that she try. I didn’t think Bill could be easily hypnotized, but he was quite pleased with his results for a first attempt. Both Bill and Peggy said they thought they could have done better had Jane taken more time with her induction, yet Jane’s approach had been quite leisurely; thus time appeared to have been compressed for them.

(Seth had the interesting comment to make that he had looked out at us from Jane’s eyes during the evening, along with Jane, and that he saw us as individuals instead of composite electromagnetic images embodying our pasts, presents, and futures. On two very brief occasions Seth let his voice blast out to some extent, though not at full volume by any means. The hour was late and I was quite aware of possible reactions from neighbors in the house.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(When he first appeared John mentioned that he had attended a meeting for medical salesman in Cleveland OH earlier this month; John is a sales representative for Searle Drug. As soon as he mentioned Cleveland I asked him to say nothing more about it, in the event Seth chose to do so later. Fortunately Jane was out of the room at the moment and did not hear Cleveland mentioned.

(The session was held in our large front room, in full light as usual. Jane began speaking while sitting down and with her eyes closed. As is often the case when witnesses are present she seemed to draw upon extra energy; her pace was fast from the start, and her voice stronger and somewhat deeper than usual.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had been very pleased with some humorous poetry she had written today, and had been reading it to John before the session. John’s entity name is Philip. Just as the session began he had been folding a newspaper; as usual Seth wasn’t bashful about asking for quiet.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused at 9:16, her eyes still closed. She then resumed briefly.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Break at 9:17. Jane was dissociated as usual for a first break. Her eyes had remained closed, her pace had been fast, her voice stronger, deeper, and more emphatic than usual.

(John Bradley didn’t say anything about the 12th Street data, as I hoped he wouldn’t, and Jane didn’t ask him about it. During break we discussed John’s company, Searle Drug, which is in the throes of financial difficulties compounded by management problems; Seth has discussed this often when John has been present, and to date his statements have been accurate.

(Just before break ended the conversation concerned some of the new drug products Searle has coming on the market. Jane resumed in a most active and emphatic manner, her eyes still closed, at 9:29.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s eyes now began to open wide for emphasis; they were very dark. Her voice was strong, her manner most emphatic and fast. She gestured frequently as she spoke.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Consider the whole of the next paragraph underlined, so strong and positive was Jane’s delivery.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Seth said a little on the above ideas when he began to give us the material on the electrical field and on moment points, several months ago. This was some time before Jane began reading Dunne and Priestley.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:48. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her voice and manner had been strong and emphatic, her pace fast.

(Just before first break Seth had mentioned a 12th St. in connection with John Bradley. Jane now asked John about it, but John said he wouldn’t tell her anything about such a statement yet. Jane said she received this bit of data quite strongly while giving Seth’s other material, and that at first she wasn’t going to give voice to it because she wasn’t sure if it was from Seth or herself. Then she decided to speak it out anyhow.

(Jane’s eyes had been open and very dark during much of the above delivery. Since it was now time for the 33rd Dr. Instream test however, her eyes closed and her pace slowed considerably. Her head was down, her hands raised to her face. Resume at 10:05.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(John Bradley shifted his position on the divan. Jane spoke to him without changing her position.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(It was 10:14. Jane retained her position, sitting with her hands raised to her closed eyes, her head down, her voice slow.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:18. Jane was dissociated as usual. She received no images, she said, while giving either the Dr. Instream or the John Bradley material.

(At first John said Seth’s material meant little or nothing to him. This is just about a standard first reaction from witnesses for whom Seth has given such material; offhand Jane and I can think of no one who has reacted differently. It takes time for memory to begin to work. As usual I read Seth’s data back to John, and as he has in past sessions he then began to make connections. See the 135th, 166th, 190th, 199th, 200th, and 204th sessions for material re. John. A fair amount of the material is telepathic and/or clairvoyant, especially that of the 204th session. Seth expands on this last session in the 205th and 206th sessions, and deals with John’s experience in hearing Seth speak to him when he was alone.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“in a town that is large and not in this location.” Cleveland is of course some distance from here. As stated Jane did not hear John mention Cleveland to me, although she knew he had been traveling. In any case Seth mentioned no city by name.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(I might add another bit of information here, to the effect that on Jan. 8 Jane had a dream in which she saw a strange room, not a bedroom although there was a bed in it. The room, she knew in her dream, belonged to John Bradley, although she did not see him in the dream. In addition the bed had been slept in, and the bedclothes were tossed about as though John had been quite restless. The time was at night in the dream. We do not know if there is a connection here.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“Three alternate plans.” John said he didn’t see connections here, unless the reference was to his own personal plans. Recently he did have three plans in mind, which Jane and I also knew about, and which Seth had mentioned. These were to leave Searle and buy a restaurant in his hometown of Williamsport, PA; to stay with Searle and in Williamsport; or to demand a transfer of location from Searle, and a promotion. Mr. McKeown is involved with the last of these alternatives, so it is conceivable that “there is a question over the third.” as stated by Seth.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(We were discussing these last points when Seth came through again. Jane resumed at a fast pace, with her eyes closed, at 10:37.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(End, presumably, at 10:47. Jane’s eyes had remained closed, and she had smoked during this last delivery.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(In reply to John’s queries about Searle, Seth came through once again. Jane resumed in a quieter voice, with her eyes closed, at 10:45.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:49. Jane had been dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(John could offer no help on the initials A J, or A G. Seth has given other initials in past data for John, with the same results, and Jane and I believe that this kind of information is probably distorted. Nor could John tell us anything about a female child, or a Dayton OH connection.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:03. Jane had spoken quietly, her eyes closed. As stated, John has since written Mr. McKeown for more information, and any additional information related to Seth’s predictions in this session will be included in a future session.)

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