1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:221 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
Now. An inverted time system actually presents us with a system that more closely approximates the true nature of time. Time does indeed turn in upon itself, even as it explodes outward from itself. The expanding universe theory applies much more truly to time than it does to the physical universe. You think of a steady progression into the future. However, as you know there is no real progression, moment by successive moment, as you suppose.
(Seth dealt with the expanding universe theory in sessions 42-45, saying among other things that our physical universe is not expanding as is currently thought; he had much to say on the distortive data furnished us by our instruments.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
In an inverted time system the momentum is recognized and it is also taken advantage of, in that it is utilized by individual consciousness, so that your so-called present, past and future can be viewed as existing in a spacious now. Again, this sort of a system is very close to the true nature of time.
[... 69 paragraphs ...]