1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:221 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
You think of the past as done with and completed, but on a subconscious basis you travel through the past. The past therefore becomes present. You know that precognition is a fact. The steady line of time does not exist. Inversion in terms of value interwound upon value, energy compressed, contained, working upon itself, contained but with momentum—this comes much closer to reality.
However, the momentum works both ways. I am referring now to your own terms of reference. For if time speeds ahead, my dear friends, or if you say that times speed ahead, which is an entirely different thing, then you must say also that it speeds backwards. For this energy moves in all directions from its core, and the core at times becomes its outer surface.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
We will try here to give you an example. Take for example then the house in which Ruburt spent his childhood. Now as you know, that was never one definite unchanging object. That house was a conglomeration of atoms and molecules, perceived generally as a house, but perceived specifically by everyone who saw it as a slightly different house. For each observer quite literally created from his own subconscious energy an approximation of a house, a general shape then perceived as a house, and further embellished by personal judgments.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
These psychological structures obviously act as stabilizing platforms, so to speak, from which energy can view itself. The psychological frameworks simply are various organizational structures that are equipped to perceive reality discriminately.
[... 55 paragraphs ...]