1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:220 AND stemmed:color)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(I realized on this particular evening that although my eyes were closed, I was staring into another pair of eyes that seemed to be within inches of my own, and had been doing so for some seconds. Conscious realization seemed to be suspended. These eyes were I would say masculine, and very beautiful, and could be human. They were a deep luminous golden brown; I realized I was so close to them that I could see their minutest details in vivid color, even upper lids that fell over the upper portion of the eyeball. At this stage of the phenomenon I encouraged this minute inspection, for I lay suspended below alarm.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Strange to say, I did not come fully awake as one does when arising in the morning for example. I achieved a state close to waking only, in spite of my momentary panic. Jane began to question me; she told me the next morning that I described the vision to her while speaking in a sleepy monotone. I was conscious of doing this, and that it took some little time, yet felt no urge to prod myself wide awake. I recall that I felt it urgent that I tell her what had taken place as soon as possible. I thought of getting up to make a drawing of what I had seen, but decided I would not forget. This is certainly true; this vision is as vivid and clear in memory today as it was a second after it ended. I do intend making a drawing, in color, for those who may be interested.
[... 21 paragraphs ...]
Because his range was so large, your dissociated conditions simply met more easily than otherwise. However, once his attention was centered here, he turned his conscious attention to full focus upon what he perceived. Nor did he perceive your physical form as you know it. But he picked up fully your emotional recognition and fear, and these were translated or perceived by him in his own fashion, so that to him you appeared as a mass of varying colors, and as movement of severe intensity.
[... 20 paragraphs ...]
There are brain formations, not materialized in physical form. Sensations are perceptions; emotions perceived in terms of color, and directly in terms of intensities. There is no direct relation here to your own system at all, except of course that all systems are ultimately connected. The inverted time system results in a different sequence of experience than that with which you are acquainted.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
Again, I see the image of a clock, with ornate pattern about it, oval rather than round. The impression that it is a lady’s watch rather than a man’s, or a mantel clock. The decorations are of gold color rather than silver, and the numbers are comparatively small, rather than large.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
A dark or darkish brown coat, the color of some uniforms. Crowded. Many voices, dancing.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(“A dark or darkish brown coat, the color of some uniforms,” is a reference to a sports coat of corduroy that Jane bought me for Christmas; this is indicated by the Penny’s sales slip for December 18. The coat is a close approximation of the color of the winter topcoat for the everyday U.S. Marine uniform. The Marine connection here will be apparent shortly.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Our friend wore his civilian clothes, so even had she met him Jane wouldn’t have been able to observe his uniform colors. It chanced however that while we were waiting in line at the post office to mail packages, we saw a Marine in uniform. Jane noticed its color—this was not the dress blues uniform—and questioned me as to the soldier’s branch of service, etc. Then when we went shopping we picked out my sport coat in a similar color, although I believe neither of us thought of any such connection at the time.
[... 30 paragraphs ...]