1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:211 AND stemmed:person)

TES5 Session 211 November 24, 1965 10/114 (9%) clock Bill gilt features facial
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 211 November 24, 1965 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Now there are several kinds of time, that will appear within your dreams, and you must sort these out carefully. While sleeping in your present time, you may have a dream that concerns your personal past, while the dream is concerned with events that you know to have occurred many years ago. Nevertheless you may experience these events as happening within the present.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now. I will continue. Man will not learn the basic nature of reality by studying the physical universe alone, nor will he learn it by studying the personality as it operates within the physical universe alone.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

All layers of the personality are indeed conscious layers. They simply operate in the manner of compartments, so that often one portion of the self is not aware of other portions. As a rule when you are awake you do not know your sleeping self; you know your neighbors far better, so your sleeping self appears mysterious indeed. When you are awake, as Ruburt himself has written, you cannot find the dream locations that have been so familiar to you only the night before.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now there are indeed connections between these two conditions. And there are definite realities that exist in both states, and these uniting realities will be what you are looking for. For only by finding these can you discover the nature of the human personality and the nature of reality within which it must operate.

[... 51 paragraphs ...]

I’m glad to see you have had a good think session. Now. If you are thinking in terms of secondary personalities, you can prove nothing one way or another. A secondary personality could indeed use gestures that are different (with humor). Either way, this would be no proof as to my independent nature. I am glad to see that it has been bothering you.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

My own answer is that I am an energy personality essence, momentarily in contact with your physical system, and that I am allowed to operate through Ruburt.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

As to facial expression, this again is somewhat the same matter, for in this case matter does not matter. Physical expression, facial expression, is again the result of the personality’s characteristic method of manipulating the physical organism, and when I operated primarily as such I had my own characteristic way of doing so.

Now and then with Ruburt, to a smaller or lesser degree, my own habits therefore show through, for I manipulate his muscles in a different way than he does. But, scientifically again, this would not be proof of my existence as an independent personality who has survived physical death. Not that this concerns me, for it does not.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

His ego is his ego, and because it is his he loves it indeed. All egos fear that which is not ego. A necessary defense mechanism, which is part of each personality.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

([Peg:] “Well, it seems to us that it’s impossible to change the features of a living person. Why wouldn’t it be easier to change a picture?”)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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