1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:196 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
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It is rather important that the reality of these electromagnetic systems be understood, as they are so important in the construction of physical images and dream images, and since they are responsible for the inner communication which takes place beneath consciousness.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
His unconscious communications will also follow this same pattern. This of course includes his dreams. It may be well to remember here that dreams exist even for an individual in the waking state, though he is not aware of them. His mind continues this activity even while the conscious self goes about its daily chores.
These dreams go unrecognized by the conscious ego; but they do not go unrecorded by the inner self, and they therefore exist, and they form electromagnetic channels of their own to which—make that by which—the physical body itself is affected. The physical organism is constantly changed by all stimuli, whether or not the ego is aware of the stimuli. And it is affected by stimuli, whether or not science realizes that the particular stimuli even exists. Therefore, the physical organism reacts to this continuous unconscious mental activity in the form of continuing dream experiences, whether or not the individual is awake or asleep. All of these realities go into the formation of the personality, and unless they are all understood the personality itself will remain a mystery.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
These apparent inspirations from nowhere definitely come from somewhere, and this somewhere is that inner dreaming condition, which is a necessity on the part of every consciousness, human or otherwise. Here I am using the word consciousness to cover all organisms with awareness. This dream activity seems divorced from the conscious state itself, and came before the conscious state within your physical system. It cannot be turned off, and it will not cease. It will only be noticed, as a rule, when the aware portions of the personality are disconnected from their physical stimulations to some considerable degree.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
Men mainly. He is smiling and chatting. (Pause at 10:14.) He has been talking about politics, though this may be university politics. I do not know. He says: “There are large areas of improvement. There are large areas in which improvement can be made.”
[... 85 paragraphs ...]