1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:196 AND stemmed:return)
[... 23 paragraphs ...]
Returning to a previous discussion, I would like to make it plain once more that dream images are not pseudorealities. They exist as fact, though in a different dimension from physical reality. Again, no one would deny the reality of psychological experience when it is felt by the waking personality. Yet such experience also does not have a physical reality, to the same degree that a definite physical object has.
[... 39 paragraphs ...]
(Bill said that he would try to think strongly of the ad. He left here at approximately 10 PM and returned about 10:35. Rob, Peg, and I had all written down our impressions, and none of us knew what the others had written. None of Peg’s were correct. Many of mine, about 11 impressions, were correct, and some of Rob’s.
[... 44 paragraphs ...]
(While Bill Gallagher was putting on his hat and coat at 10 PM tonight, preparatory to leaving our apartment for the bus terminal, I wrote down two impressions of headlines. I was not in a trance state. Bill did not see these until he returned at 10:35 PM; he told me both of them were incorrect.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(With this impression, as I sat with closed eyes, I seemed to receive a picture. I saw fairly clearly a four-column layout set in type; at the top was a plate for printing a photograph, with headline lettering on either side of the photo. I could not distinguish the subject matter of the photo. When Bill returned he asked me to diagram what I had seen. To the viewer’s left on page 321 is a copy of the drawing I made for him, to the right is a sketch of the actual ad as printed. On Friday night Bill told me my sketch was pretty close to the layout he finally decided upon at the office, and talked over with the stereotyper. My impression was of the metal printing plate, not the final printed ad. The metal appeared to be clean and unused and shining.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]