1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:196 AND stemmed:constant)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
These systems are affected by the weather, and they also affect the weather. There is a constant inflow and outflow. The dream, any dream, fits neatly within certain and definite electromagnetic boundaries, and at the same time helps to form the electromagnetic field itself.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
These dreams go unrecognized by the conscious ego; but they do not go unrecorded by the inner self, and they therefore exist, and they form electromagnetic channels of their own to which—make that by which—the physical body itself is affected. The physical organism is constantly changed by all stimuli, whether or not the ego is aware of the stimuli. And it is affected by stimuli, whether or not science realizes that the particular stimuli even exists. Therefore, the physical organism reacts to this continuous unconscious mental activity in the form of continuing dream experiences, whether or not the individual is awake or asleep. All of these realities go into the formation of the personality, and unless they are all understood the personality itself will remain a mystery.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
Dream experiences often, very often, change the course of human events. Again, all this takes place through the operation of electromagnetic systems. There is a definite connection between this constant dream activity undertaken by the unconscious self, and what you call inspiration or creative activity.
[... 99 paragraphs ...]