
1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:90 AND stemmed:act)

TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964 1/60 (2%) twin Loriza meditation Ida sneezing
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 90 September 21, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

It is reasonable, logical and even necessary at this time that you do not parade yourselves, giving sessions as one would put on a vaudeville act. Nevertheless when an honest request is made either to attend a session or to hold a session, and when you know that the person making such a request is sincere, and if other conditions are appropriate, then by all means it would behoove you to meet with the request.

[... 46 paragraphs ...]

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