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TES3 Session 145 April 12, 1965 9/57 (16%) hate evil ego roles assimilate
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 145 April 12, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(One afternoon during my illness, as I lay drowsily in bed, I had two distinct impressions. First, while my eyes were closed I felt that the “area of darkness” they encompassed to the left and the right was abruptly and definitely wider. This sensation was brief, yet lasted long enough for me to be sure of it.

(So was the second impression, which came immediately after. This time I suddenly “saw” a shorter left leg superimposed over my own flesh-and-blood leg of normal length. This new leg reached only to my knee but was complete with a foot and a knee as it stemmed from my hip. It could have been the leg of a dwarf.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Once again Jane spoke while sitting down and with her eyes closed. Her pace was slow, her voice rather low and husky. She was rather sleepy from a nap, and began at 9:01.)

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:34. Jane was dissociated as usual for a first monologue, meaning that she retained some idea of what she had been saying. While speaking aloud, she had the parallel thought that Seth felt this material wouldn’t make him very popular in some quarters, among people who might desire to use this material for their own purposes.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

That part of us as you know which deals with these roles is the ego, which lives intimately the role which was assigned to it by the whole self, of which it is a part.

The health and psychic condition of an individual is not primarily determined by the ego, however. It is only when the ego is allowed too much power that the individual is deprived of much of the inner vitality of the whole self. For the ego is acquainted with only its role. It can find refreshment only within the limitations of the reality which it was formed to meet; and when it looks about with the best of intentions and sees disasters and terrors, it does not know that these others also play their roles, and that the roles are temporary.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:15. Jane was more deeply dissociated. She had spoken steadily for half an hour, but upon coming out of her trance state felt that but a few minutes had passed.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:42. Jane was well dissociated. She said she had a strong feeling of affection from Seth at the end of the session, as sometimes happens. Neither of us had said anything else when she resumed at 10:44, in a deeper voice.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:50. Jane was dissociated as usual.)

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