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TES3 Session 143 April 5, 1965 20/87 (23%) illness visitors Sonja pills Louis
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 143 April 5, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane has not been experimenting with psychological time since Seth suggested she stop at the time of her prolonged trance state of March 15.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

I realize that such surface help at times could be most desirable. Basically however in your case the illness was not serious, and the advantage that you would derive from my help in a healing capacity would have been outweighed entirely by several disadvantages that are almost always present, in the case of healing that does not originate from inner comprehension.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I would have been removing the problem from you, and in this instance depriving you of the opportunity of solving it, and therefore of adding to your own energies and abilities. As it was, your illness was shorter by several times than it would have been had it occurred last year, and certainly much shorter than it would have been were it not for the understanding that you have derived from these sessions.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

It was no coincidence, however, that you plunged into reading the New York papers during your stay in bed. Not that it is intended that you should close your eyes to world events, but that in your particular case there are times when, to you, such concentration upon world evils becomes extremely unwholesome.

Your reactions at such times are not good for yourself, and your reactions are not good at such times for the conditions which bring them about. Such reactions actually worsen the conditions that you would change. I am not suggesting that you adopt a bland, idiotic, male Pollyanna smile, nor that you shout love, prosperity and health from the rooftops while the world below is steeped in poverty and ignorance.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(I spent eight or nine days in bed, the victim of what is generally called a virus. At no time however did I blame a virus, feeling that the real cause was psychic, thus permitting the virus to come to the fore. I was somewhat embarrassed at having “goofed” psychically. As time passed, and while I pored over several daily New York City newspapers plus Elmira’s daily paper, I came to realize to a small extent that poor expectations on my part had much to do with my falling ill.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt sensed one in particular, and did indeed react in a manner that you found annoying. Ruburt’s feelings and lack of action as far as the publishing house was concerned left much to be desired, and in time his lack of action would have caused an unpleasant reaction on his own part. However he correctly, if subconsciously, interpreted your attitude toward the publishing house as being basically dangerous to you. And so it was.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Joy is the muscle of action, and without it there would be no action. If I speak strongly to you at times, it is because this tendency, while much less now than formerly, must be kept very well in control, Joseph.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

There was a possibility at one time, for a particular period of time, when for various reasons your Miss Callahan was in danger of falling down the front flight of stairs. For several reasons the possibility was strongest when she went for the mail.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(See the 134th-137th sessions for some material on time travel.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I am going to suggest also that Ruburt continue with the procedure as far as psychological time is concerned, that is, that he lets it go until I tell him otherwise. The experience, the subjective experience, of the last session, on Ruburt’s part, was meant as a practical demonstration of the limitless self. I am very pleased that we did so well with it, and various other such controlled experiments can be expected in the future.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

At any time that you may wish it, you can indeed make up sessions. However, I will not suggest it. It is up to you.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

A note I wanted to add: It was indeed no coincidence either that your house was so filled with guests when you became ill. Your Sonja was drawn by your own inner vehemence. It was very well that she did not spend more time with you.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Philip of course is the entity name for John Bradley, who has witnessed several sessions. While visiting us on the second day of my illness, John said that events transpiring within the drug firm he represents, Searle, appear to bear out predictions made by Seth some time ago. Seth had mentioned a time limit of several years for some of these predictions to work themselves out, and counseled patience on John’s part. See the 37th session, of March 23,1964, and the 70th session, of July 13,1964, among others.

(My younger brother, William Richard, also from Rochester, NY, was a visitor on March 28. He is custodian of the second carbon of these sessions, and witnessed the 89th session. Another visitor was Bill Macdonnel, entity name Mark, and several times a witness. On file I have a complete record of the 21 visits Jane and I received.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Had the conditions been different, or the situation worse, they would have so rallied. Philip added his constructive energy to Ruburt’s, in Ruburt’s attempt to counter your inner vehemence, and you helped yourself to the admittedly small degree of which you were capable at the time.

Sonja, all unwittingly, came to prey upon the situation. She herself is in desperate need of help. Ruburt sensed this, and if his own abilities had not been so strong, Ruburt would have ended up in a most unfortunate situation; for he attempted, for a time, to counter the wholesale destructive tendencies open in your house.

He did have some support from you, for you see you were far from powerless this time. The other assorted company during the week was most beneficial indeed. From this standpoint you were indeed not alone, and it was not a time for you to be alone, although you may have wished for privacy.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(It might be noted that now her eyes open quite easily at break time and at the end of the session. When she first began to speak while seated, and with her eyes closed, she had difficulty opening her eyes.

(Jane had told me that during my illness she hadn’t felt Seth around. There were times during my illness when I had an actual feeling of disbelief at the steady parade of visitors. I did not see them all. I soon became aware that I felt better after talking to the ones I did see, and once I realized this I rather deliberately tried to capitalize upon this apparent exchange of energy. Sonja Carlson visited us twice; almost at once I understood the negative character of her thoughts, and decided not to let it bother me. I was concerned about Jane bearing the brunt of this, however.)

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