1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:143 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
I would have been removing the problem from you, and in this instance depriving you of the opportunity of solving it, and therefore of adding to your own energies and abilities. As it was, your illness was shorter by several times than it would have been had it occurred last year, and certainly much shorter than it would have been were it not for the understanding that you have derived from these sessions.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
They definitely open the eyes of many who would otherwise pay no attention. Particularly in the race question they have performed a great psychic service, for they have aroused deep, creative, constructive emotions on the part of people who otherwise would not have been involved. And these constructive energies have helped change the situation for the better.
Such dire conditions cannot be pretended out of human existence, nor should they be. But in your case, you are aware of man’s inhumanity to man. It is well that you are, but you must not allow this knowledge to weigh like a mountain upon your being, so that you are pinned under and your energies sucked away. This is the danger for which you must be alerted.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
His nature is independent, but the independence is blunted when he is not sure of what he is dealing with. You felt his reaction to your attitude strongly, and you should have questioned yourself at that point. Ruburt was able to counteract the temporary but overall negative storm by his own creative energies, and focus strongly to protect you both.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
When we have discussed further the nature of action, then we can delve further into these questions, for they involve thrusts of action, and are intimately connected with energy’s action upon itself.
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
Had the conditions been different, or the situation worse, they would have so rallied. Philip added his constructive energy to Ruburt’s, in Ruburt’s attempt to counter your inner vehemence, and you helped yourself to the admittedly small degree of which you were capable at the time.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(Jane had told me that during my illness she hadn’t felt Seth around. There were times during my illness when I had an actual feeling of disbelief at the steady parade of visitors. I did not see them all. I soon became aware that I felt better after talking to the ones I did see, and once I realized this I rather deliberately tried to capitalize upon this apparent exchange of energy. Sonja Carlson visited us twice; almost at once I understood the negative character of her thoughts, and decided not to let it bother me. I was concerned about Jane bearing the brunt of this, however.)