1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:134 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
This involves on his part not a conscious, but a subconscious change of habit. The new habit he has acquired very well. The psychic explosions that have been fairly regular with him in the past, have been minimized to some considerable degree since our sessions began. No one is endeavoring to tamper with his personality, however, and it is his natural reaction to turn aggression, when it arises, outward in some manner, while he is almost superstitiously careful that it not be directed at another individual.
This is with him a fairly healthy reaction, and less disruptive than he thinks. You have been distrustful to some degree concerning Ruburt’s fidelity to the sessions, precisely because the sessions have become important to you. Ruburt at this time would not dispense with the sessions, although it is true that he sometimes consciously resents the discipline involved in their regularity.
Subconsciously however, the very regularity is reassuring to him, since a fairly permanent pattern exists despite the flux and flow of conscious inclination. I am not going to give over a full session to these matters. However some comments will be helpful.
Without Ruburt’s now and then, really rather petty explosions, the stability of his working habits and the stability of emotional reactions would not be nearly as regular. The explosions are after all small ones, and of a harmless nature, that have a definite balancing tendency. Nor, my dear Joseph, are these explosions, though this is quite an exaggerated phrase, nor are these his alone; for he takes up also your hidden frustrations and angers, feels them deeply, though consciously he does not know this; and he then in these small explosions rather harmlessly dispels pent-up, small but potent emotional bombshells that belong to you both.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
On a conscious level you, Joseph, are much more given to regularity, and therefore more concerned when Ruburt shows signs of irregularity. It is however with him, as with you, the peculiar mixture of discipline and regularity with spontaneity that makes the sessions possible; and this quality in Ruburt, even of rebellion, that allows the sessions to continue.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
This may not seem so to you, but because subconsciously and basically, though not consciously, Ruburt trusts both his own intuition and the validity of our sessions. He will not allow the rambunctious portion of his personality to upset our schedule, but because he trusts all this subconsciously, he will not be as disturbed as you are if a session is missed.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Emotions also are electrically coded, and also have an independent electrical reality. On a physical level they are both chemical and electrical. The validity and strength of emotions cannot be overestimated, for they represent in only slightly tinged form the uncamouflaged vitality of the universe as it passes through the inner self. Emotions represent, therefore, this vitality before it has been constructed into camouflage.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Joseph is now facing the fact of his own aggressions, as he never really did to any strong extent in the past. Consciously recalling the dreams is excellent, since the subconscious data is at least to some extent consciously assimilated, and in the dreams aggressive tendencies are indeed released and worked out in an actual manner, as satisfying to the subconscious as if they were worked out within the physical field. And to some extent through muscular action, even in dreams such aggressions find physical outlet also, and save you quite a few aches and pains, by the way.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]