1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:134 AND stemmed:subconsci)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
This involves on his part not a conscious, but a subconscious change of habit. The new habit he has acquired very well. The psychic explosions that have been fairly regular with him in the past, have been minimized to some considerable degree since our sessions began. No one is endeavoring to tamper with his personality, however, and it is his natural reaction to turn aggression, when it arises, outward in some manner, while he is almost superstitiously careful that it not be directed at another individual.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Subconsciously however, the very regularity is reassuring to him, since a fairly permanent pattern exists despite the flux and flow of conscious inclination. I am not going to give over a full session to these matters. However some comments will be helpful.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
There is also, though this will vanish, a strong giving of self in these sessions on Ruburt’s part, a giving of self that involves the momentary giving up of emotion. And when he is angry he does not want to give his anger up. What will vanish is any feeling on his part of being subconsciously drained, as he does feel occasionally, and only when he is perturbed at something else.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
This may not seem so to you, but because subconsciously and basically, though not consciously, Ruburt trusts both his own intuition and the validity of our sessions. He will not allow the rambunctious portion of his personality to upset our schedule, but because he trusts all this subconsciously, he will not be as disturbed as you are if a session is missed.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
It has been tinged psychologically in its entry through the subconscious, but that is all. Emotions are the most vital tools with which you have to work. It is for this reason that you must learn how to use them.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Joseph is now facing the fact of his own aggressions, as he never really did to any strong extent in the past. Consciously recalling the dreams is excellent, since the subconscious data is at least to some extent consciously assimilated, and in the dreams aggressive tendencies are indeed released and worked out in an actual manner, as satisfying to the subconscious as if they were worked out within the physical field. And to some extent through muscular action, even in dreams such aggressions find physical outlet also, and save you quite a few aches and pains, by the way.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(I have just finished an oil painting of two heads, male; one of the characters appealed greatly to Jane, and had since the beginning. I had not given it much thought, beyond wondering where I had gotten the idea for the painting to begin with. I had taken it somewhat for granted that the faces I painted were the result of some kind of telepathic information or subconscious memory. In the past Seth has stated that I often use these sources of information for my portraits. The head Jane likes is of a blond man, quite heavyset and evidently of a massive build. The features are rather regular, although the nose is somewhat prominent, the jaw square, the eyes blue. Jane does not care much for the other head in the painting, although as I worked on the picture I was as much intrigued by this head as by the other.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]