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TES3 Session 133 February 17, 1965 11/44 (25%) frog seat burned electrical pond
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 133 February 17, 1965 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

The entity should therefore not be thought of as completed. The electric universe, of which you know so little, is a reality, and yet it is also a symbol of another reality. For behind even this electrical universe there is a reality which cannot be explored in terms of speech; for all consciousness, while having an electric reality, has a reality beyond even this.

It is the vitality of the universe, and all universes, which causes the electrical reality, and the vitality of the universe, composing everything that is, cannot be touched. It is touch, but touch not as it is conceived of in your terms. This vitality is the most immediate and intimate aspect that composes the camouflage appearance within all fields. And yet it is by far more than the camouflage.

It has many realities, forming all universes and all fields. It is indeed within you, as you are within it. It is not formless, but takes many forms. It is above all never static and never completed.

(There came a knock upon the door. At times I had wondered how Jane would react to an interruption while in her new and deeper state. I now had at least one answer: Her body jumped in her chair, and her eyes popped open as though from shock. For a moment she appeared to be disoriented. Then she answered my query to the effect that she was all right.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

When I speak of the electrical universe, indeed this represents but one more facet of reality. But all of these universes are indeed one. You remember our discussion concerning density of intensities. Here is the secret, if you could but see it: Even though the electrical universe might seem to you far divorced from what you know, nevertheless you dwell within it. Your own emotions have an independent existence within it. And your own possibilities within it are unlimited. But even this is also a camouflage.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The difficult point here that we must always return to, is that beneath all camouflage exists that which has no need of camouflage, but simply is.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

So when I told you to look where there was nothing, then I spoke because this uncamouflaged experience can be most directly perceived where nothing is perceived with the outer senses. In one sense anything that you can see or feel or touch is not real, and yet in another sense it is the nature of all reality.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The gestalt patterns of which I have spoken is the basis here, and yet all members within such gestalts are themselves independent, possessing identity and separation even while they cooperate in a complicated pattern. It is arbitrary; that is, from your viewpoint you arbitrarily choose certain portions of reality and call them units, marking them off. But your divisions do not affect the nature of these gestalts, as my discussion speaks of separate universes without affecting the nature of any universe one whit.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

All true knowledge is direct experience. It cannot be classified, it cannot be named, it cannot be set down in black and white. True knowledge is only experience, direct experience, and a matter of the inner senses.

Even my explanations to you involve a verbal dissection, which in itself distorts the very nature of the matter under examination. All our discussions concerning the electrical universe do not bring you closer to experience of it. You are in direct contact with it. But again, as you cannot hold your own breath, so you cannot hold that which is even more intimate, and which forms the very personality which attempts the examination.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

This has been a most fruitful session. My best regards to all of you. I would suggest that you keep watch on your Miss Callahan from Thursday on of next week.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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