1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:104 AND stemmed:rob AND stemmed:pendulum)
[... 71 paragraphs ...]
(Now in the very beginning, I felt a sudden need for Rob. * Quite emotional, as if he was dead and I wanted him. Spoke his name in ejaculation in my mind. Quick intense sorrow. Had just thought consciously how much he meant to me. Feeling vanished. I forgot it until now. Rather unsettling. I asked mentally if Rob was in any trouble, got no answer. [As I wrote this down, in the second sentence with the * I found myself substituting Rob’s name, no, Walt’s name for Rob’s. Maybe something happened to Walt? Notice the correction in last sentence—there wasn’t any sense of danger; sorrow after an event? Nor did it seem particularly an immediate event, or even necessarily one in near future.]
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Also November 9, Monday, 7 PM: In doze, asked silently if I was being warned about a death. If so whose? If not, what was the message? Few seconds later I saw a brown hand mirror held out. I saw it edge on. I got scared, wouldn’t look, I guess afraid I’d see my own face. As it vanished it occurred to me that the face wouldn’t have to be mine. Upset. Checked with the pendulum. It said warning was of my mother’s death, in December. And that the psychological time experiences, today and Friday, were connected with the warning from Helen McIlwain. Linda was not involved. Don’t know how trustworthy the pendulum is.)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(If it is a death, and in Rob’s family, say of Linda, which I doubt, then why the return name of my mother’s friend? [With whom I was not close?] Maybe one of my nieces, instead of Rob’s? Joan? In dream I think the death must have already happened. My death? No feeling that it was, though I could have substituted names. But the person [to die?] was younger than I am, I think. And who was the boy? He waited while I read the message inside. But can’t remember reading it, just interpreting it. Somewhat unsettling dream.)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]