1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:104 AND stemmed:rememb)
[... 72 paragraphs ...]
(November 9, Monday, 11:30 AM: Lightness etc., good state. Had upsetting dream last night. Asked about it mentally during session. Can’t remember whether the following vision happened before or after request, but think after. Saw two nurses, or a doctor and nurse, in white. Heard conversation. Forget some, but got the words, “Well, she’s coming out of shock.” They were looking down at bed or table, which also seemed to be my own observation point of them. Very quick duration. No feeling of danger on my part during experience. Since last night’s dream involved, I think, a warning of a woman’s death, then the affair seems to tie in. But am cautious in attempting to interpret such data.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(If it is a death, and in Rob’s family, say of Linda, which I doubt, then why the return name of my mother’s friend? [With whom I was not close?] Maybe one of my nieces, instead of Rob’s? Joan? In dream I think the death must have already happened. My death? No feeling that it was, though I could have substituted names. But the person [to die?] was younger than I am, I think. And who was the boy? He waited while I read the message inside. But can’t remember reading it, just interpreting it. Somewhat unsettling dream.)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]