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TES3 Session 104 November 4, 1964 20/84 (24%) Jimmy sale warning dump rush
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 104 November 4, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Naturally, after Jane’s experience with psychological time earlier in the day, we wondered whether there would be a session at all tonight. As the day wore on however Jane appeared to feel all right. We made plans to hold the session as usual, provided Seth himself did not eliminate it or Jane had a change of heart. Jane had no idea of what material the session might cover, as far as foreknowledge went.

(Jane and I have talked to our landlord, Jimmy Spaziani, concerning the data given by Seth in the 100th session, concerning the missing cover to the thermostat in our apartment house. Seth stated that Jimmy inadvertently disposed of the cover “either someplace on his own property or in a public dumping area, whichever area is by a hill, and it is still there.” Jimmy states that with Seth’s reminder, he does recall cleaning out some rubbish from the house last spring; the description, according to Jimmy, matches that of Elmira’s city dump, which Jane and I have not visited. Jimmy states that the area is all small hills, and covers many acres. I asked Jimmy if by any chance he could recall where in the dump he disposed of that load of rubbish, but he could not. Jimmy states that attendants there direct him to a different spot each time; the size of the dump precludes any detailed search, so we conclude that the cover will probably never be found.

(Concerning Seth’s statements that Jane will soon make a writing sale, she has nothing to report yet. See pages 102, 107 and 114 in this volume. She continues however to receive very complimentary letters concerning her work.

(Jane began dictation on time in a normal voice, and in a rather slow manner, then gradually speeded up. Again her glasses were off, her eyes dark.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(While delivering the above sentence, Jane took several long pauses as she paced about. She had not been speaking very rapidly, but her rate of delivery now slowed somewhat, broken by frequent pauses.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:34. Jane was dissociated as usual. She was speaking somewhat faster by the end of her delivery. She said that the above material, dealing with the outward movement of the inner self through the head, reminded her that in her earlier psychological time experiments she had sometimes experienced a “bump on top of the head” sensation, momentarily, that had been rather unpleasant. This would be several months ago.

(When Jane began dictating again her voice had changed from a rather normal voice to one that was quite a bit more formal and harsh in tone, and somewhat louder. At times it had a hard-to-describe singsong quality, emphasizing certain syllables and elongating them. Her diction became very elaborate. She maintained this voice, moreover, until the end of the session. Resume at 9:39.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had this experience on April 30, 1964, at 11:30 AM. See Volume 2, page 65. This was a few days before the 50th session. Checking over my account of Jane’s experience on that date, I notice that I did state that this experience began with a feeling of “a blow on the head.” It is included in Jane’s dated version. On April 28, 1964, Jane also underwent this rather unpleasant sensation; perhaps in preparation for the Saratoga Springs journey two days later. And the sensation of rushing out through the head that she experienced this morning was, Jane said, very similar to those earlier “bumpings.”)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(See my notes on my experience of November 3, involving the car blocking our garage. This may fall within the telepathic category. I have not asked Seth about it simply because of the time problem. Jane and I cannot cover all the subjects we would like to. Many times when we would like something at least mentioned by Seth, we mention it before a session in the hope it will be dealt with. This particular instance is on page 116.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:21. Jane was dissociated as usual. She had maintained her unusual sing-song voice until the end. It had been a strong voice also, and she now said that her voice had felt different to her; as though she was not using her own vocal chords, but served as a vehicle or channel through which this strange voice emerged. Jane did not particularly care for the idea of serving as a channel. To me there was no doubt that the voice was recognizably hers.

(Seth’s statements about my receiving telepathic images interested me greatly, since I have been aware for some years now that I would much rather do a portrait without a model. That is, I greatly enjoy setting to work to “make up” a character, then paint it. I have found that for me working from a model is rather boring and somehow limiting. My best drawings, particularly in ink and oil, have been produced in this fashion, and I used to think it rather strange that I liked to work this way. In fact, Jane has often mentioned the fact that I have seldom used even her as a model. I have done so a few times. The situation is about to be remedied however, since as my work continues to expand I now discover that I want to use models also, and have several paintings planned in which she will appear.

(Concerning Jane making sale of her writing soon, the last statement of the session above now makes four times that this bit of information has come to us, either through sessions or Jane’s psychological time. See pages 102, 107, 114, and 125. In writing out the last line of the session from Jane’s dictation, I took it for granted the information referred to one sale. Jane then told me, as soon as the session ended, that it referred to two sales; one now accomplished, and other future sales. While we were discussing this point, Jane suddenly resumed her feet and began dictating again. Her manner and voice were more subdued now, and grew progressively quieter and slower as she talked. I will indicate pauses where they took place. Resume at 10:26.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s voice now became even quieter as she paced about.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:40. Jane was again dissociated. She ended upon this very quiet note, speaking quite slowly. As soon as she sat down, Jane told me several things. One was that as she spoke for Seth about the red leather chair, she had a mental image of this chair. It had short round wooden legs with a light brown finish, a cushioned seat and back [the back leaning back, of course] and was without arms. Jane could not describe the floor upon which it rested, or any other furnishings in the room, or a door, a window, etc.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane has quite a bit of material out to various publishers. From past experience we have learned to be careful in trying to interpret this kind of material, and so will not try very hard with this information, preferring to see what develops and then include it in the record.

(It might be noted here that Seth/Jane also gave a brief physical description of a person on page 84, in the 99th session. This was in connection with material on John Bradley’s superiors in, presumably, Chicago. We have no verification on this yet, not having seen John recently. Since John goes to Chicago rather infrequently we may have to wait a while for it.

(I was tempted to ask Seth whether he referred to distractions around Jane and me here in Elmira, or possible ones in say New York City. But it was obvious that Jane was tired and ready to end the session.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The following material is from Jane’s psychological time notebook:

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(The following account is from Jane’s dream notebook. It is included here so as to present all the pertinent material together. The material is dealt with extensively in the following, 105th, session.

(Jane’s dream, Sunday night, November 8, 1964:

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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