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TES3 Session 100 October 26, 1964 18/90 (20%) Jimmy j.j Marian thermostat Jeep
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 100 October 26, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(I have yet to resume a planned study of psychological time, but as noted previously I continue to have small experiences almost daily. Usually they take place just after we retire, when I am in a relaxed and drowsy state.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(In line with the above material, it might be noted that Seth had cautioned Jane to go easy with her “ecstasy” experiments in the 54th session, May 18, 1964. She had achieved this ecstatic state, as she described it, several times by that date. She had also been concerned as to how far to go along with this experience while she was alone in the house. Seth stated that he did not realize Jane would achieve this focusing of inner energy so early in her studies with psychological time, and furthermore said that it could have unpleasant effects if it was unwittingly directed toward someone else. Nor was this possibility “shades of witchcraft. Any energy can be used for almost any purpose.”

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

This is one of the main reasons why I advised Ruburt at one time to discontinue certain particular experiments, which I believe he can now handle.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There are many specifics to be filled in on past material, simply because at the time you did not have the background for fullest comprehension. This is why, for example, I did not go into the molecular structure of the dream world. It differs from the material world with which you are familiar in many instances, and yet the material dealing with the nature of matter was a necessary prerequisite.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

(Jimmy’s youngest son, J.J., is six years old. The first time Jane and I saw the two of them, over four years ago, we were struck by the unmistakable similarity between them, not only in physical appearance but in manner. If anything this likeness between father and son has grown with the passing years, until now it is a standard topic of conversation when the Spazianis and the Buttses get together. As Jimmy’s wife Marian said to us this evening at supper: “Well, there must be a few drops of my blood in J.J. somewhere...” Jimmy of course is Italian. Marian is Irish and French.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I am of the opinion that your psychological time experiences will shortly become more vivid, Joseph; and also Ruburt’s. The inner spontaneity is coming back to Ruburt, after he tried too hard during the last of the summer.

The informal social engagements that you have been enjoying are most beneficial, and within reason should be continued. The change in the direction of the bed will also aid in psychological time experiments, when tried there.

(I might also add here that in the short time since the bed was changed in position, so that its head points north, Jane has lost the persistent soreness of the ribs on her left side. See the note on page 87.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Being tired, she had gone to bed a little after midnight, instead of waiting up for Jimmy as she usually did. She fell asleep immediately. Unaware of the passage of time, she then was awakened out of a sound sleep, not dreaming either, by a thunderously loud voice which shouted to her or at her: “Good night!” Marian told us this was so real to her, so loud and unmistakable, filling the entire room as with thunder, that she sat bolt upright in bed, fully awake and quite frightened. She had not been having a nightmare, or even dreaming. It so upset her that she immediately went to the telephone to call her husband. That is, she took a short while to collect herself, then put in the call. The voice was that of Jimmy’s dead father; Marian said she recognized it unmistakably.

(Jimmy of course related to Marian his thoughts about seeing his father’s apparition. Doing a little figuring concerning the time, he arrived at the conclusion that Marian had had her experience at approximately the same time he had been standing in back of his mother’s house, thinking about his father. Jimmy speculated that perhaps Marian had received a message from his father, in answer to his wish, even though he, Jimmy, had seen or heard nothing.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The woman involved could gain immeasurably through the development of her own abilities. However she is fearful of them, fearing mostly a quite actual lack of discipline. The ego, her ego, is presently too concerned with other problems to allow her any such inner freedom. At the same time the difficulty experienced by her ego cries out for the sort of fulfillment that could be achieved through the development of these abilities.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(This reference to J.J., Jimmy’s youngest son, reminds Jane and me that Jimmy has often mentioned to us that as soon as he began to talk, J.J. started to tell his father about the “playmates” who kept him company through the day. At the time Jimmy was quite intrigued because the only playmates J.J. had were his older brothers and sisters, and these were not the people he was describing. Jimmy states that J.J. related such stories to him up until he was about four years old. J.J. is now six.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(Almost as soon as she began delivering this last material, I regretted having asked her to do so, since I could see her visibly tire. Jane remarked upon the fact that after some sessions she feels less fatigued than before they began, while after others she is tired; at the same time she said that fatigue has no meaning for her while she is delivering the material.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The following material is taken from Jane’s psychological time notebook:

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(I have resumed the study of psychological time on a regular basis, and the following material is from my notebook:

(October 27, Tuesday, 11:45: Upon retiring, I had a definite and durable feeling of stretching in my legs, as though a force was pulling at my feet, as though with hands. At the same time, my familiar old thrilling sensation flooded over me quite strongly.

(It may be coincidence, but upon checking my back records I find that the last psychological time experiment I had listed, for September 9, was identical to the one above. See my notes on this on page 1, the 86th session.

(October 28, Wednesday, 5:30 PM: Today I had been working on a painting of apples. Trying psy-time, I saw apples twice. The first time they were in shades of gray and violet, and I saw small sections of them from a close-up position, as a stem detail, etc. The second time, I again saw the apples in sections, but this time in full color. I could discern easily the grain of the board, the brush strokes in the paint, etc.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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