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TES2 Session 80 August 24, 1964 9/33 (27%) Aug cold vacation Driftwood Beach
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 80 August 24, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(What did develop was that my boss at work, at 11:50 AM, called me on the phone–he happened to be at the company’s other plant on Elmira’s southside at the time–and asked me to put in more time on the job as a regular routine. As soon as the secretary told me who was calling me, I intuitively knew what the call was about and was prepared as I picked up the receiver.

(I like the part-time arrangement I now have at Artistic very much. It gives me time for myself in the afternoons to paint—an arrangement that I have learned is very necessary, even vital, to my well-being both physically and mentally. Recently, talking it over with Jane, I decided against expanding my working hours at the plant. I also decided it to the extent that if management insisted I increase my hours, I would leave the plant and try developing some other recent ideas I have acquired on making a living, one of them being teaching art by, perhaps, starting my own school on a small scale at first.

(When Harry requested that I put in more time I declined, and he accepted my answer with his usual good grace. I thanked him for offering me the extra income. There was no unpleasantness. I did not base my decision concerning working hours on the Seth material, although the information Jane and I have received on expectations played a part; it has done much to increase our confidence in various fields of endeavor other than our arts.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(I had thought that if there was a session tonight, and it was a short one, I would wait to ask Seth what transpired with Miss Callahan within the above time period. If the session lengthened out, I planned to ask him tonight.

(I would like to mention here another rather halfhearted experiment I tried while on vacation. Driving up to Maine, I noted that our car, which is an old one, was using quite a bit of oil. I did not keep an exact record because I did not have the experiment in mind at the beginning of the trip. However, by the time we left York Beach, I had tried to suggest to my subconscious, in line with the material we have obtained to date on the value of expectation, that the car would consume less oil than on the outward journey. Again without keeping an exact count, I arrived home with the definite feeling that the car used at least two quarts less oil. Twice, stopping at stations along the way, I was somewhat surprised to be told by attendants that no oil was needed, or that it was down so little that there was no point in adding more. I did not tell Jane of my little effort until we were home. Again, if tonight’s session developed, I thought I would ask Seth whether I was correct, or merely the victim of some overoptimistic wishes.

(Both of us were busy as session time approached. During the day–Jane’s vacation has another week to run, while mine ended today–Jane had remarked several times that she doubted there would be a session tonight. At 8:45 I laid out my notebook in case we did have one.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I was indeed giving you a much needed vacation, but I could feel you clamoring about this evening, and so we will visit for a short time.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(End at 9:16. The time is an estimate, since I forgot to note down the actual ending time. Jane said she was not very well dissociated, although she had no trouble receiving the material. Her voice did not bother her while dictating.

(We have been resting from trying psychological time since August 12th. After the session tonight we tried a few experiments but achieved nothing, with the exception that at one point when Jane announced she might achieve a certain result, I felt my old familiar thrilling sensation wash over me quite strongly. It might be noted that although Jane’s hand rested in mine at the time, she was not aware of any change in feeling or sensation on my part.)

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