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TES2 Session 54 May 18, 1964 23/97 (24%) entities forest extral chicken durability
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 54 May 18, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(This afternoon John Bradley, our friend from Williamsport, PA, who has been a witness several times now, stopped and asked if he could be a witness for tonight’s session; he also had some information on how to obtain some extra copies of this material. Jane and I are highly in favor of this, of course.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(In spite of her nervousness Jane began dictating on time in a rather husky voice that was somewhat stronger than normal; her pace was average, her eyes dark as usual. She spoke with much emphasis and many gestures.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

When you understand the construction of entities, then you will understand how this can be so. Ruburt is not myself now, in his present life; he is nevertheless an extension and materialization of the Seth that I was at one time.

Nothing remains unchanging, personalities and entities least of all. You are still thinking in terms of concrete things. You cannot stop an entity or a personality in time, as you would like to do. I am Seth today. I keep my continuity but nevertheless I change, and offshoots like currents explode into being.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

There is indeed no contradiction, though it may appear so, in the fact that all entities existed before your planet was formed, and the fact that fragments form new entities. I have told you that your conception of cause and effect is faulty and antiquated, and I have said that the cause and effect theory is logical only as a result of your theory of time and continuity. If time as you think of it does not exist, and it does not, then the cause and effect theory does not follow.

I have told you that all consciousnesses exist in the spacious present, which is spontaneous while also durable. Then it is no contradiction to say that entities existed before the birth of your planet, though in your time it seems that new ones are being brought to consciousness.

In their materialization upon your plane, and as seen from your own camouflage perspective, you seem to be aware of new entities, but this is because of your own limited viewpoint. In your time scheme entities have had time to produce more fragmentary personalities, but in truth from your viewpoint these personalities can be seen to have changed long ago.

The old analogy, rather trite I’m afraid, is still a good one. Walking through a forest you find many trees. Time can be conceived of, truly, as the entire forest. You however see a tree in front of you and call it the future. You think that the tree was not there because you had not come to it yet. The tree behind you, you call the past. You are walking so to speak along one narrow path, but there are many paths. The forest exists as a whole. You can walk forward, so to speak, and backward, though you are only now learning how.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There is no past, present or future in your terms within it, but only a now. Because of the endless possibilities within this now, durability is maintained in terms of value fulfillment, the fulfillment of literally endless values. Therefore the forest is constantly expanding. Remember your expanding universe theory, but not in terms of space or indeed in terms of time, but in terms of fulfillment of abilities and values that may be constructed upon various levels and in various guises, your present plane of existence being one.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I also said that new entities were being formed, but in the framework of the spacious present all this is spontaneous. The contradiction seems a contradiction only on your terms. On my terms there is none. For practical purposes you may say, in truth on your own terms, that entities simply have had time to develop further personalities. But I want it understood that this is true only within your own time framework.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I suggest your break, and if this hasn’t broken you up then nothing will. You are indeed as you can see broken up a million times, and put together in many various manners; and yet you retain the inner ego, and in other words your own identity. But this identity must change. This again is no contradiction. Nothing can be static, and believe it or not, nothing is.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

This is indeed unfortunate, since there is only a change of form, one form fading into another form. There is no actual point of death, in your terms. You cannot set a certain time to even a individual death, any more than you can set a time for any individual birth.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

At the same time you know of what I am speaking, at the same time you are aware of all that I say. Otherwise it would make no sense to you at all.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

There is no other researcher, if I may say so, who has the excellent teacher that you have, and your own experiments with psychological time will certainly give you more than enough to say, and later give you evidence that can hardly be denied.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(When she delivered the initials R G, Jane said after the session, she also saw in her mind the letters I and L, almost as though they were written there for her to read. She did not realize this until later, she said, when she was delivering other material, and so did not mention it until after John had left. As it was, John said the letters R G had no significance for him at this time.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

As to your experiments with psychological time, Joseph, we will devote an entire session to them shortly. I have been waiting to see the diversity you will achieve, since I will use your experiments and experience as a basis to discuss further inner sense data with which you are not yet well acquainted.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You are discovering for yourself that basically there is no past, present and future, through your own experiments with psychological time, and you will also experience directly other material sometime before I have given it to you.

(Ever since break at 10:56, the chicken had been warming on the stove. For some time now it had needed turning, frying away as it was quite noisily. It began to smoke, and John left his chair to turn it over. During this time Jane passed back and forth before the entrance to the kitchen many times as she dictated, without ever appearing to be at all concerned.)

Incidentally, I do suggest that Ruburt make a short visit to Miss Callahan within the next few days. Also, reread your own accounts of your psychological time experiments. Also I would suggest that Ruburt go easy with what he prefers to call the experience of ecstasy, as we do not want him to go too far, too fast.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:30. Jane was dissociated as usual. And it wasn’t until the session was over that I realized I had not been bothered by writer’s cramp at all; I believe this is the first such time.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(While trying psychological time I had the following experiences.

(Tuesday, May 19, 9:00-9:50 PM: I was very tired when I lay down. Jane was to call me at 9:30. No results for a long time. Then a shouting voice, unrecognizable and quite loud off to my left as I lay on the bed, woke me with a start and snapped my head in that direction. I saw nothing in connection with the voice.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Wednesday, May 20, 8:20 PM: There was not much time before the session, the 55th, was due. I had many examples of my thrilling sensation. The first time quite strongly appeared when I suggested to myself that I felt light; then it washed over me, and at the same time my arms particularly felt very light, almost weightless.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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