1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:34 AND stemmed:return)
[... 40 paragraphs ...]
This does not in any way absolve you from using your outer senses to their fullest capacity. If you recall, your outer senses, Joseph, tipped you off as to a message that your inner senses had been endeavoring to deliver. The falling tree incident is what I am referring to, and often there is such a completed circle when the outer senses will return you to inner data.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
This last is extraordinarily important and I shall return to it shortly. Through the inner senses, and using a very simple analogy, you would not only see the street as you do or hear the few sounds that drift to your ears. You would actually experience directly the essence of everything within a certain range. This experience would be instantaneous and would, using the analogy, include more than the usual data that you would receive from the outer senses. That is, not only would you be able to feel the air though you were not out in it, not only would you pick up the odors, though ordinarily you cannot do this while you look out through closed windows, but you would literally feel the unitary essences of the trees and branches and hidden birds and insects. You would experience directly the personalities of the inhabitants of the automobiles—the vitality even of the components of the automobiles’ molecules, and “see” (in quotes) the future and the past experience of everything within that particular range of focus. And the range itself would be much larger.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
There is, if anything, more order in the inner reality than in your camouflage world, and more, not less discipline is required. Such drug experiments could have dire consequences. The camouflage pattern is completely broken up, the disorganized personality is afloat and could slip into a state where disorientation would prevent return to your level, while ignorance and lack of discipline prevented entry onto another level. The consequences would be completely disastrous in such a circumstance.
[... 71 paragraphs ...]