1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:34 AND stemmed:drug)
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The use of certain drugs has been experimented with at various times through the ages, but these provide merely an undisciplined, intriguing glimpse into what is possible; and for some time in your future they will not be either practical or in the main beneficial, for reasons that I shall go into after you take your break.
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As far as these drugs are concerned there are a few points I would like to make. One of your purposes as I have said is to learn to organize energy units and to focus your own energy along those lines. That is, you are the energy that you use. The self-consciousness is not to be blotted out but taken along. It is so to speak to walk side by side with the inner self.
The use of these drugs sweeps the personality off its feet. Often the personality does receive a rewarding glimpse of the inner reality, but more often the ego is merely sent tumbling through frightening images of chaotic phantom realities formed by a suddenly-released subconscious, and with no guide. The experience is often vivid and long remembered, but so unorganized and undisciplined that no inner order is arrived at, no other organization glimpsed, and the ordinary but necessary camouflage footing suddenly dispensed with.
There is, if anything, more order in the inner reality than in your camouflage world, and more, not less discipline is required. Such drug experiments could have dire consequences. The camouflage pattern is completely broken up, the disorganized personality is afloat and could slip into a state where disorientation would prevent return to your level, while ignorance and lack of discipline prevented entry onto another level. The consequences would be completely disastrous in such a circumstance.
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This has happened, although in what you would call primitive societies. Such personalities were more sheltered than they would be in yours. This could result in a temporary, but thoroughly frightening existence between planes that would require utmost caution on the part of the entity. Each plane necessitates its own orientation, and such a personality would have none. If the situation should ever arise I would advise that neither of you experiment with such drugs. Ruburt in particular, but this also applies to you, Joseph, and there is absolutely no distortion in this statement.
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It is possible but not inevitable, of course, that continued use of such drugs by certain types of personalities could over a period of time lead to complete disability to manipulate camouflage patterns.
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