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TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 11/127 (9%) fluent outer camouflage plane error
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 34 March 11, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

Telepathic communications go on continually beneath consciousness, and without the aid of telepathy and without the aid of the inner senses, language itself would be meaningless. The hidden cues are the symbols that make language intelligible. I have said before that the inner senses experience reality as it exists beneath camouflage pattern, though of course camouflage pattern is in itself part of this reality.

Different outer senses are necessary at different levels and on various planes to interpret the different camouflage patterns. These outer senses are developed to cope with these particular camouflage patterns which the personality will meet in its various environments. The inner senses always operate regardless of the particular environment in which the personality is presently involved. The inner senses provide the whole personality with balance, and enable it to keep in contact with its vitality source.

When the data from the inner senses is ignored the personalities then become so intertwined with the camouflage pattern that they are only capable of drawing upon a very limited amount of the vitality which gives them basic energy and strength. This happens more usually than not in such culturally-oriented levels as your own, where the camouflage pattern becomes extremely complicated and imprisoning.

This fact is responsible to a large degree for your death shock, and for the more powerful birth shock, when the new personality awakes to the prisonlike clutch of rigid camouflage pattern. Other levels have different and sometimes severe problems of a different type. One of the basic purposes of existence on your plane is to enable the personality to focus powerfully and to form basic vitality into creative pattern. Sometimes the lesson is learned too well. However, it is extremely difficult for personalities to learn to organize vitality well enough to give it form, and therefore some troubles are to be expected.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

It is one thing to recognize that your particular camouflage patterns are part of reality and another to realize that there is a reality that is independent of your camouflage patterns. One of my purposes is to enable you not only to recognize but experience this independent reality, and again the use of psychological time in a correct manner will be an invaluable aid.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now as for my remark about learning. This whole experience would be so vivid that it would be impressed upon your personality pattern with such impact and clearness that you would never forget it.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

The use of these drugs sweeps the personality off its feet. Often the personality does receive a rewarding glimpse of the inner reality, but more often the ego is merely sent tumbling through frightening images of chaotic phantom realities formed by a suddenly-released subconscious, and with no guide. The experience is often vivid and long remembered, but so unorganized and undisciplined that no inner order is arrived at, no other organization glimpsed, and the ordinary but necessary camouflage footing suddenly dispensed with.

There is, if anything, more order in the inner reality than in your camouflage world, and more, not less discipline is required. Such drug experiments could have dire consequences. The camouflage pattern is completely broken up, the disorganized personality is afloat and could slip into a state where disorientation would prevent return to your level, while ignorance and lack of discipline prevented entry onto another level. The consequences would be completely disastrous in such a circumstance.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

It is possible but not inevitable, of course, that continued use of such drugs by certain types of personalities could over a period of time lead to complete disability to manipulate camouflage patterns.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

—and this time we have no distortion but a simple mistake I believe in notes. I certainly did not say what I have just seen through Ruburt’s eyes. The error is in one word; not fluent but “inner.” The outer senses are not as fluent as the inner. For some reason the word was either mistaken or transposed, I do not know. The outer senses dealing with rigid camouflage patterns could not be as fluent as the inner senses.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

How many people? Very few would take this amount of their camouflage time to deal with it. It takes a peculiar set of abilities and interests for such work to be even partially successful or even accepted by the personalities involved; and for many personalities it would be difficult to maintain discipline and balance, while allowing for the necessary freedom that is necessarily involved. That is, this is a controlled experiment, with both of you allowing yourselves certain freedoms of control in certain instances and not in others. This is no easy trick. Is that what you meant?

[... 33 paragraphs ...]

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